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GROOTGROENPLUS – Particularly extensive participant profiles in 2020

Since trade fair GrootGroenPlus will host a digital edition of the trade fair this year, it is very important that the participants get the...

Iberflora presents Iberflora Digital Business, the Green Sector meeting online

Iberflora, the international fair for plants and flowers, landscaping, technology and bricojardín will open its digital platform from October 6 to the end of...
An image of the virtual AIPH conference

Resilience and Positivity in the face of adversity at the AIPH Recovery from Crisis...

On 15th September 2020, the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) brought together an impressive line-up of expert international industry speakers to share experiences...

📣 Final call for horticultural event of the year Recovery from crisis - the future for ornamentals ONLINE VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 15 September 2020 | 8 am (CEST) Midday on Monday 14th September is the last...
Kildalton College-Open-Day 2020 banner

Teagasc Kildalton College Open Day

Friday 2nd October 2020  Tours start at 10.00am & 11.00am Phone 051 644400
online event image

GreenTech Amsterdam 2020 goes virtual

After extensive consultation and various options considered, GreenTech decided to postpone the full physical format of the show to 15 - 17 June 2021....

AIPH’s Virtual International Horticultural Expo Conference attracts major support

With a mandate agreed by international convention, AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers has been approving and regulating International Horticultural Expos, in partnership...
Luke Perry

SALTEX 2021 integral to the industry’s recovery

SALTEX and Events Director, Luke Perry, believes that SALTEX 2021 will provide a huge opportunity for the grounds management industry to regroup, reunite and...
james purdy

#BloomAtHome – Bord Bia

In response to the cancellation of Bord Bia Bloom 2020, Bord Bia launched an alternative, virtual celebration #BloomAtHome. We encouraged the public to join...
Varb webpage image

GrootGroenPlus – Connection Varb active in second half of August

This year, the partnership between Varb and GrootGroenPlus will be continued. Thanks to the connection with this platform, which will become active again in...