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Tender: Services for transformation to continuous cover forestry

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from the University College Dublin...

Tender: International established biomass supply chains

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Bord Na Móna Biomass...

Tender: Invasive conifer removal from the blanket bog on Sliabh Beagh

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Monaghan County Council and...

Tender: Weed control contract

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Cork City Council and...

Tender: Scheduled and emergency tree felling and removal at Bord na Mona

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Bord Na Mona and...

Tender: Landscaping for Parkmore East & Parkmore West, Galway

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from IDA Ireland and involves...

Tender: Coillte – Inventory Services – Agreement for inventory services, timber measurement and associated...

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland's public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Coillte. The Contracting Authority...

Tender: Biomass Boiler – Maintenance and Woodchip supply to various Teagasc sites

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland’s public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Teagasc, the state agency...

Tender: Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Tree Care Services

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland's public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This tender comes from Dublin City Council, who...

Tender: Removal of leylandii trees at St Mary’s Cemetery, Carlow

Horticulture Connected feature tenders for jobs in Ireland's public sector suitable for candidates from the horticulture industry. This is a tender regarding the removal of...


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