Simple and Effective Resource Efficiency Measures Along the Food Supply Chain

An EU-funded project has shown that it is possible to reduce water consumption in fruit farming by over 40% while still maintaining...

Green Trends IPM Essen 2018

New Sales Ideas Especially for Garden Centre Operators Social changes are having growing influences on how end consumers react to products and services. Increasing importance is...

New ICL Research at Bangor University

ICL is collaborating with Bangor University to carry out research on the effects and benefits of organo-mineral fertilizers for turf. MRes (Masters by Research)...

Randal Plunkett 21st Baron of Dunsany at GLDA Seminar

The title of Randal's presentation is: "From Gardens to budding eco systems, reedifying our concept of beauty with conservation". The talk will start with a...


Alan Abel of Complete Weed Control (South & Central Wales) says that ICL’s residual herbicide, LockStar, has become an essential product in his armoury....
Minister of State Andrew Doyle opens Wexford Exhibition of locally-led agri-environment schemes PR

Minister of State Andrew Doyle opens Wexford Exhibition of locally-led agri-environment schemes

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D., today opened an exhibition in the Department’s offices in...
Circular economy graph

Plastic packaging – Bord Bia

THE HOT TOPIC The topic of plastic waste has come to the forefront of the minds of both businesses and consumers both in Ireland and...
woman writing on notebook

Bord Bia COVID-19 Response Podcasts and Webinars – dates and time for your diary

As part of our client focussed response to this crisis, Bord Bia is organising a series of podcasts and webinars for our clients to...

David Robinson Memorial Lecture – Bord Bia

Bord Bia is the proud sponsor of the annual David Robinson Memorial Lecture, a prestigious event designed to remember the contributions of the late...

CambridgeHOK Continue to grow Irish base of customers

The UK business has a large Irish client base and can trace its beginnings back to 1955. Noel O'Leary tells HC that they have a...