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All the latest news from Teagasc

A SPROUT IS NOT JUST FOR CHRISTMAS Brussels sprouts aren’t the most popular of vegetables – an annual outing with the Christmas turkey is most...

Pick your Phytes

Michael Gaffney peels back the layers of data surrounding the nutritional values of fruit and vegetable to find the future of Irish production may...

People, place, quality of life – Hope for blue-green infrastructure in Ireland

Aidan J ffrench MILI disseminates a recent research conference paper on the drivers, reality and potential future for green infrastructure in Ireland February 2007 IUF...
Photograph by By-Studio

What you see…

Renowned nurseryman and tree specialist, Ronan Nangle shares a positive story of how seeing and selecting trees first hand can contribute to the creation...
Photo by Igor Zakowski

Was it something I said?

Independent retail consultant, Liam Kelly dispels some of the persistent truths of successful retailing Over the years I have learned the importance of listening to...
white flower

Autumn’s best performer

Renowned independent florist, Ruth Monaghan shares her thoughts and techniques on how to get the most from the humble but top performing Cyclamen Autumn is...

Practically sustainable

Lots of people talk a good sustainable game, few actually play by the rules. John Murphy, owner, and operator of Annaveigh Plants explains how...
Qualified designers have a range of skills spanning multiple domains. Spatial and planting design, construction, horticulture, electrics, draughting, computer-aided design, sketching, and visualization are just a few. The range is rarely reflected in fees and charges as most clients pay for the product, not the process. The images shown here are just a tiny sample of the products produced by the process. A process that can absorb huge amounts of time, both physically producing, but also in thinking time. Clients rarely pay for thinking time and designers rarely charge for it. It’s a hard thing to pin down. Image 1 shows rendered sketch plan. It’s not scaled or dimensioned and is intended to provide the client with an indicative visual start point. Such plans may be produced during consultations. Image 2 shows the same plan in a draughted format using Autodesk. It is intended to be used by the client and any potential contractor for pricing and construction. Such plans require a lot of survey information, thinking and screen time. Image 3 is another sketch drawing produced during a consultation to assist a client in understanding a radically different treatment for their new house layout. A frequent occurrence during such consultations. Image 4 shows a hard and soft landscape detailing drawing for a garden. Such drawings are produced following an agreement on a sketch layout and can be very time consuming to produce, particularly where a project is being tendered. Image 6 shows a more detailed rendered perspective drawing of a garden. Such drawings are created for more complex, bigger budget projects and can be very time consuming to produce. Image 7 shows a planting layout with supporting images. Such Such drawings are produced for clients and contractors.

Facing charges

The subject of fees for professional landscape and design work in Ireland is a charged subject and one the sector has great difficulty facing...

Education, communities and the role of horticulture in Ireland

In her second feature exploring the wider benefits of horticultural activity, Rachel Freeman shares her insights into the role horticultural education can play in...
ITB academic ‘Excellence in Horticulture’ award won by Patrick Smith

Autumn/Winter 2016 – Horticulture news

NEW VENUE FOR EXPANDED HARDWARE SHOW 2017 The Hardware Show 2017, Ireland’s premier trade event for hardware/ DIY retailers and builders merchants takes place on...