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EFSA Outcome of the consultation with Member States and on the...

Abstract: The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was asked by the European Commission to provide scientific assistance with respect to the evaluation of applications...

Webinar: Horizon scanning for plant health | European Food Safety Authority

The globalisation of trade combined with the boom in travel and movement of people means that plant pests can travel from one side of...

Webinar: Horizon scanning for plant health | European Food Safety Authority

The globalisation of trade combined with the boom in travel and movement of people means that plant pests can travel from one side of...

Secure opportunity – Barry Delaney

BARRY LUPTON INTERVIEWS BARRY DELANEY As the International Year of Plant Health unfolds, Barry Lupton puts some tough questions to Ireland’s Chief Plant Health Officer,...

Ash dieback project launches UK International Year of Plant Health

Three thousand trees have been planted in Hampshire as part of a pioneering project to tackle the devastating tree disease, Ash Dieback. The UK’s first...

President Michael D. Higgins commemorates Ireland’s launch of International Year of...

Today President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins planted a Native “Sessile Oak” tree in Phoenix Park to commemorate Ireland’s launch of the International Year of...

DAFM – International Year of Plant Health 2020 (IYPH 2020)

Healthy plants constitute the foundation for all life on earth, making up the oxygen we breathe and over 80% of the food we eat....

Minister Doyle attends launch event of the International year of Plant...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D today attended an event at the FAO headquarters in Rome...

Minister Doyle launches ‘Don’t Risk it’ Plant Health awareness campaign

The Minister of State for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D., today officially launched his Department’s “Don’t Risk it!” Plant Health awareness raising...

DAFM Brexit – Plant Health Legislation

Plant Health Law The import of Harmful Organisms from Third Countries on plant and plant products poses a serious threat to Ireland in terms of...


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