Organic Capital Investment Scheme Details Announced

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Details have emerged in the past week indicating the investments which will qualify for grant aid under the Organic Capital Investment Scheme (OCIS).

Although a launch date for the scheme is yet to be announced, Organic Trust understand that it will be open for applications around mid-July. Among the investments qualifying for grant aid are numerous types of farm buildings and some farm machinery also. As with the previous scheme, grant aid of up to 40% will be available on eligible items although young farmers who satisfy the criteria can avail of a 60% grant rate.

Eligible machinery items of interest for livestock enterprises include straw choppers, mowers, haybobs, front loaders, dung spreaders and slurry pumps. For the arable and horticulture sectors, various types of cultivators and harrows are eligible along with seeders, laser guided hoes and something which will definitely suit the smaller scale grower, an iron horse.

When it comes to structures qualifying for funding under OCIS, pig and poultry fencing are allowed as are pig arks and various types of poultry housing. Grain, potato, produce and hay/straw stores are on the list as are polytunnels and irrigation systems.

Organic Producers should also be aware that for investments not covered by the OCIS, they may qualify for grant aid under some of the other TAMS II schemes. For qualifying young farmers, the Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme (YFCIS) is now open to applications also (closing date is September 18th) with funding of 60% of investments.

For a comprehensive list of investments eligible under the Organic Capital Investment Scheme and TAMS II, click here

General terms, conditions and specifications for TAMS II schemes can be viewed on the Department’s website here

Source: FreshProduce News Room