Attwood Supports European Waste Reduction Week

It wasn’t a case of “too many cooks” today when Environment Minister Alex Attwood joined gourmet chef Raymond McArdle in turning surplus food into a delicious three course Christmas dinner. The occasion, in support of the European Week of Waste Reduction, was hosted by the Northern Council for the Homeless (CHNI) and FareShare Island of Ireland (IOI) to show how quality food which otherwise would be dumped, could be put to good use for homeless people.

The Minister rolled up his sleeves to help out with cooking and serving the food, and also joined some of the guests in sampling the festive meal. Emphasising the contribution made by FareShare and CHNI, the Minister said: “Some months ago, I heard about a “meal” organised for hundreds of people from food that would otherwise be thrown out. It was a great idea. Today that idea came to Belfast.

“This meal, made from ingredients which would otherwise go to landfill, shows how initiatives such as FareShare can make a real difference. FareShare receives perfectly good food and redistributes it to a network of community organisations that support homeless and other vulnerable people.

“I commend FareShare and CHNI and their volunteers for the work they are doing in helping people in such difficult economic times. I also thank Raymond for his delicious meal, and for helping make the event so special.”

CHNI’s Margaret Henry added: “The Council for the Homeless is delighted to support the European Week of Waste Reduction. Our Belfast FareShare depot is going from strength to strength and we are demonstrating to the food industry and the general public that no good food should be wasted.

“We are also hugely grateful to the Environment Minister for joining us today, and to chef Raymond McArdle for using his cooking skills for the second year running to help us raise awareness of homelessness and to highlight the positive difference FareShare can make.”

Raymond McArdle added “I just don’t think it’s right that so much good quality food is being thrown out on a daily basis, especially when there are numerous homeless organisations which could use it to feed people in need.

“I am really pleased to support the Council for the Homeless NI’s FareShare project because I want to do my bit to help local people who are homeless or those who are struggling. FareShare successfully combines a substantial reduction in needless food waste and channels it to the most worthy cause of all, feeding those who are hungry.”

Source: Northern Ireland Executive – Attwood Supports European Waste Reduction Week