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AIPH invites global ornamental horticulture industry to Melbourne

Melbourne, Australia is the venue for the next meeting of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH). Hosted in association with Nursery Garden Industry Australia...
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Winter weed control – Teagasc

While plants are dormant there are some valuable weed control options available to the grower. In all cases, check labels and PRCD website for up to date...

GLDA 22nd International Seminar – The Designed Garden – An unfinished canvas

Who controls the evolution of the living garden? As designers and gardeners, we are very aware that our gardens are only as good as their...

Labour – Shortage and costs – Teagasc

Wage bills will be in sharp focus with the minimum wage increase to €9.55 per hour from €9.25, since the start of January. Speaking with growers many...

ENA starts the “Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe” promotion campaign

ENA – the European Nurserystock Association – signed a Grant Agreement with CHAFEA (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency) of the European Commission...
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UK phase out of horticultural peat use – Teagasc

The substantial document - A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment was launched in the last 2 weeks and sets out...

Will you increase your prices in 2018? – Teagasc

A recent American Hort headline caught my attention. Their short youtube presentation industry insider - profit margins reflect many similar aspects impacting on costs here also. While we can...

Plastics in the news-Teagasc

The "Blue Planet" caught the imagination of many with images of plastic in our oceans. The Irish Government and EU want to eliminate single-use plastics...

Product Highlights at the World’s Leading Fair for Horticulture – IPM Essen 2018

IPM ESSEN will be the top address in order to present new products and refinements to the international green sector. Around 1,600 exhibitors from almost 50...

Green Trends IPM Essen 2018

New Sales Ideas Especially for Garden Centre Operators Social changes are having growing influences on how end consumers react to products and services. Increasing importance is...