DAFM Brexit – Registration documents for Traders of Plants & Plant Produce for Companies...
Applicants are required to complete the following forms to complete the registration process:
1. DAFM Plant Health Registration Form (doc 154Kb)
2. Corporate Client System (CCS) Form - Company (doc...
Teagasc horticultural Energy event 2019
A timely Energy 2019 event, targeted at horticultural growers, took place recently, Wednesday 3 April at Teagasc Ashtown, Dublin. The well-attended seminar, which attracted...
DAFM Brexit – Latest news and information
Disorderly Brexit Trader Notice 2 - Trader Notice 04/2019 (pdf 374Kb)
Disorderly Brexit Trader Notices - Trader Notice 02/2019 (doc 85Kb)
DAFMs Videos on Import...
Dedicated support for small and medium-sized enterprises from EFSA
EFSA has launched new support initiatives dedicated to applicants from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs will now be able to access support from...
Energy in Horticulture event – Teagasc
Date: 3rd April
Event Time: 9:30am
Venue: Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin 15, D15 DY05
This event is to update the industry in aspects of energy use...
Government launches €300 million Future Growth Loan Scheme for SMEs and Farmers
Scheme to support strategic long-term investment in a post Brexit environment.
SMEs and farmers can apply for loan eligibility from 17th April. At least 40%...
Fresh produce retail market grew in value in 2018 – Bord Bia
The fresh produce category is a key element of the total grocery market which is valued at €10.7bn with fresh produce contributing close to...
Weed control – Teagasc
Growers are always looking for alternative weed control options to help reduce costs, improve weed control range, reduce the risk of weeds developing...
Bord Bia’s London office Brexit Update: 23rd – 29th March
Key events this week:
MPs will vote for a third time on the Withdrawal Agreement in parliament this afternoon. This will not, however, be a third...
Mushroom grower workshop and UK mushroom conference – Teagasc
On Thursday, March 28th, Teagasc hosted a mushroom growers’ workshop in the Four Seasons Hotel, Co. Monaghan.
The event was an informative and valuable session....