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Tag: sustainability

Naughten allocates €884,000 to tackle litter, dog fouling and graffiti nationwide

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten T.D. has recently (26th  April) announced the allocation of €884,000from the Environment Fund to 31 Local Authorities...

On the precipice of how – the time is now

Gill Higgins, Origin Green Ambassador, London At the Economist Events’ Sustainability Summit 2018, business leaders, policymakers, scientists and investors convened to assess the work required to...

Reducing packaging and food waste

Elaine O’Connor, Origin Green Ambassador, USA Packaging will play a vital role in reducing the amount of global food and produce waste. The FAO estimates that one-third...

Minister Creed highlights supports for food companies

Minister Creed recently chaired the 14th meeting of the Food Wise High-Level Implementation Committee (HLIC), where Brexit is a standing item. Brexit supports for food companies Minister...

Trends Watch – Gulfood 2018

Anna Ryan, Sustainability Development, Bord Bia- Irish Food Board Gulfood, the world’s largest annual food and drink trade show, took place in Dubai, United Arab...

Out of the kitchen and into the hall – Bord Bia

Gill Higgins, Origin Green Ambassador – London Market Halls is a group of community-focused restauranteurs and property investors based in the UK, with the goal...

ENA starts the “Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe” promotion campaign

ENA – the European Nurserystock Association – signed a Grant Agreement with CHAFEA (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency) of the European Commission...

Permaculture Design Certificate 2018, Cloughjordan Ecovillage

Learn how we can live more sustainably using ecological design Practical skills for horticulture, farming, enterprise, green building, perma-facture, collaboration, social innovation and community resilience. 13-22...

Plastics in the news-Teagasc

The "Blue Planet" caught the imagination of many with images of plastic in our oceans. The Irish Government and EU want to eliminate single-use plastics...

Opportunities for sustainable producers – Bord Bia

Karen Tyner, Food & Beverages Division, Bord Bia - Irish Food Board Today, sourcing sustainably is a driving force for many businesses and is increasingly...


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