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ENA joint letter to MEPs to support flowers and live plants...

We at ENA, the European Nurserystock Association, are very appreciative of the active involvement of the many Members of the European Parliament who today...

Joint call for extraordinary and urgent support to the European flower...

In an unprecedented move, a united coalition of 9 European -based organizations, representing all segments and sub-sectors of the flower & live plants sector...

Bord Bia’s Covid Hub supports impacted businesses

Bord Bia’s website has a dedicated Covid-19 Hub section packed with insights and services to help you navigate and adapt your business during these...

IFA calls on government to support the nursery stock sector –...

IFA President Tim Cullinan has called on the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed to put in place supports for the ornamental plant sector (cut...

Statement from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on...

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is working closely with the Department of Health and with other Departments, as part of a...

New Export Guide to Support Companies Reaching for New Horizons

A new guide to support potential exporters based on the island of Ireland is available. The Export Start Guide is a partnership...


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