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Tag: horticulture news

Horticulture Connected Reporting Live and Launching New Website at GLAS 2017

Meet the team, drop off a news piece and collect a free copy of the latest edition of Ireland’s leading trade news magazine for...

HC Summer 2016 – Horticulture news

Horticulture Inspiring NCAD Design Graduates A number of students used a horticulture theme to present their final year projects as displayed at the Design and...

All the latest news from Bord Bia

GROMόR Bord Bia is delighted to be involved, once again, in supporting the GroMór gardening promotional campaign. With 66 REI Garden Centre Group members, and...

HC Spring 2016 – Horticulture news

NEW ‘GARDEN CAFÉ’ RADIO SHOW SEEKING A SPONSOR A new radio show ‘Garden Café’ is currently under development and seeking interested sponsors. Creator Eugene Higgins...

Winter 2015 – Horticulture News

NEW HORTICULTURE APPOINTMENT AT TEAGASC Teagasc has appointed Dermot Callaghan as the Head of its Horticulture Development Department. He will lead the Horticultural Development Department,...

All the latest news from Bord Bia

APPLE SEMINAR The annual Bord Bia top fruit seminar took place on the 10th of December at the Citywest Hotel, Saggart Co Dublin. The seminar...

Summer 2015 – Horticulture news

HORTITRENDS LEADING TRADE VISIT TO GROOTGROENPLUS, HOLLAND Linked to their recent membership of the European Horticulture Network (EHN), HortiTrends will lead a group of...

Spring 2015 – Horticulture news

GARDEN SHOW IRELAND RETURNS TO SERVE NORTHERN IRELANDS 1.8 MILLION POPULATION Antrim Castle Gardens will be filled with colour from 8th - 10th May 2015...

Winter 2014 – Horticulture News

HORTICULTURE MEETS TECHNOLOGY AT WEB SUMMIT 2014 We recently had the pleasure of covering this event at the RDS in Dublin, and were delighted to...

Autumn 2014 – Horticulture News

IOH ACHIEVES CHARTERED STATUS In July 2014 the new Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH) came into being. It replaced the Institute of Horticulture (IoH), which...


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