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Tag: GroMór

Gromor and Supergarden – Bord Bia

GroMor 2020 was launched in April, after a good deal of changes brought on by the COVID 19 situation and considerable alteration of the...

GroMór campaign ambassador Gary Graham calls on budding gardeners to experience...

“Grow on, Grow on, Grow on!” Today, GroMór ambassador and Bord Bia Bloom show manager, Gary Graham is encouraging Irish people to take full advantage...

COVID-19: Garden Centre Trading Notice – GroMór

GroMór is an initiative by Garden Centres and Growers across Ireland, in association with Bord Bia, to give you clear and useful advice on how to...

All the latest news from Bord Bia

THE PLANS FOR GROMÓR 2019 Building on the success of the 2018 campaign, in 2019 GroMór will continue to grow the market for gardening in...

The plans for Gromór 2019 – Bord Bia

Building on the success of the 2018 campaign, in 2019 GroMór will continue to grow the market for gardening in Ireland. The main target...

GroMór 2018 gardening promotion

The gardening season got off to a slow start this year, with cold weather in March and April extending into early May, but the...

Get the blooming gorgeous garden look this summer with GroMór

Now that summer is well and truly here, there’s no better time to get green fingers than in your own garden. Churn out the...

Dermot O’Neill launches GroMór 2018 as summer officially starts

Gardening expert Dermot O’Neill joined model and mother of two Sarah McGovern with her children Jude (6 years) and Robyn Vaughan (4 years) in...

Growing momentum

Sandra Doran of Retail Excellence Ireland tracks the success and challenges of GroMór in 2015 and sets out plans for how the industry-driven initiative...


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