Teagasc – Tree grafting workshop

The event will demonstrate grafting propagation skills including discussion and demonstration of a range of young trees

With growing demand for young and semi-mature trees there is scope for new entrants in the potentially lucrative sector. The amenity sector has seen continued growth over recent years. The farm gate value of amenity plants produced in Ireland in 2019 was estimated to be €37.8 million. In 2021 the amenity sector was valued at €1.5 billion. Ongoing construction and demand for urban greening should see steady demand in the future.

Teagasc will host an event at Ashtown Research Centre that will support new and developing growers.

Dónall Flanagan, Teagasc Nursery Stock Advisor will be joined by Alberto Ramos Luz Teagasc top fruit Research Officer for a demonstration of skills, discussion and a walk through some of the selection of trees being screened for suitability for climate change.

Group will be limited to ensure every participant will have a chance to view the demonstrations, practice some skills and discuss practical aspects of propagation so booking early is advised.

Session 1 grafting techniques:-

  • Selection of bare root and potted rootstock materials,
  • selection of scion
  • the graft union,
  • knife selection,
  • care and maintenance,
  • health and safety considerations,
  • working with grafting knives,
  • tying
  • wax selection and use
  • aftercare inc hot pipe callus set up and use
  • review of costs of inputs


Session 2 demonstration and practice

  • Grafting of fruit trees, ornamentals and other available materials
  • using grafting techniques
  • Grafting with mechanical grafting devices – Scionon, saddle graft and other


  • Whip and tongue
  • Vaneer
  • Apical wedge

Date and time
Wed, 15 February 2023, 10:00 – 15:30 GMT

Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre, Dunsinea Lane, Ashtown, D15KN3K, Dublin 15

To book, click here.