TASTE Council National Food Symposium

The TASTE Council of Ireland in association with Bord Bia is honoured to host The Third National Food Symposium on Friday 3rd May 2013 Ballymaloe House, Shanagarry, Middleton, Co. Cork. The Symposium will address how to broaden the appeal of local foods, artisanal foods and speciality foods for the future, through education.

The TASTE Council of Ireland in association with Bord Bia is honoured to host The Third National Food Symposium on Friday 3rd May 2013 Ballymaloe House, Shanagarry, Middleton, Co. Cork. The Symposium will address how to broaden the appeal of local foods, artisanal foods and speciality foods for the future, through education. Understandably hearing about the role of food growing in food education in San Francisco, California and Australia from keynote speakers like Alice Waters and Stephanie Alexander is a big attraction. 

Alice Waters is known the world over as the founder of The Edible Schoolyard in the US and has been central to building food education quite literally from the ground up from pre schoolers to university goers. Likewise Stephanie – on the other side of the world has done likewise.

The symposium will address how to broaden the appeal of local foods for the future, and there’s no doubt that the role of growing it ourselves for education will take to the stage. The current and future role of second and third level in food education will be debated and education has a critical role to play in forming the knowledge and subsequent behaviours of future food consumers regionally, nationally and internationally.

Accommodation in the area is booking up rather smartly due to the Ballymaloe Literary Festival taking place the following day.

The TASTE Council has secured a Daily Delegate Rate of €45 plus VAT and the early evening dinner option taking place at 6pm will be themed with local artisan products from the Ballymaloe vicinity for an additional €35 plus VAT, including wine and refreshments.

Date/Time: Friday, May 3, 2013 at 4:21pm
Location: Ballymaloe House, Shanagarry, Middleton, Co. Cork.

Visit Taste Council of Ireland for further details.

Source: GIY Ireland – TASTE Council National Food Symposium