Prepared Fresh Produce – Convenience Still Important For Irish Consumers

Kantar data on the retail market for the prepared fresh produce category has valued the market at €79 million in 2011.

Despite a 4% drop in value since 2010 this is still a robust performance for the category at a time when consumer spend is challenged across the whole grocery category particularly for value added product lines.

It is evident that despite the downturn consumers still consider convenience in the preparation of ingredients for meals as an important factor when purchasing food items. In addition the healthy eating messaging around fruit and vegetables is also helping to support sales performance in this category.

The household penetration for the prepared fresh produce category was over 90% in 2011 (back just 1% on the previous year). Last year purchase frequency showed an increase of 1% reaching 23 purchase occasions per year. The volume of prepared fresh produce purchased per buyer in 2011 was back by 2.4% compared with the previous year.

Mike Neary, Manager Horticulture Division, Bord Bia – Irish Food Board

Source: Bord Bia-Prepared Fresh Produce – Convenience Still Important For Irish Consumers