Nielsen – Ireland Consumer Confidence Q3 2012

Some positive news as sentiment rose in Ireland last quarter to 67 index points (almost back to Q3 2010 levels), according to the latest global consumer confidence findings from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy. A cut in ECB rates likely helped ease some financial pressures, yet interestingly almost one third of Irish online respondents indicated they are putting any spare cash into savings this quarter.

Some positive news as sentiment rose in Ireland last quarter to 67 index points (almost back to Q3 2010 levels), according to the latest global consumer confidence findings from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy. A cut in ECB rates likely helped ease some financial pressures, yet interestingly almost one third of Irish online respondents indicated they are putting any spare cash into savings this quarter. As another severe Budget looms in December, consumers are likely conscious their already fragile household spending power could be further impacted.

Subdued third quarter results for Global Consumer Confidence

The latest round of the survey saw a slight increase in overall global confidence of one index point to a score of 92 (up 4 points versus Q3 2011). Consumers played it safe this third quarter, especially in Europe, which still faces a grave economic situation despite some recent stabilising policy initiatives by the ECB. Global consumer confidence rose in 52% of global markets measured by Nielsen in Q3 2012, compared to a 41% increase in the previous quarter. Confidence increased in 30 of 58 markets, declined in 19, and remained flat in seven.

Download Ireland Consumer Confidence – Q3 2012

Source: Nielsen – Ireland Consumer Confidence Q3 2012