Klasmann-Deilmann has launched an organic wetting agent which can be mixed in to Klasmann KKS organic substrates on request. This product is an extra benefit in organic horticulture and particularly improves the cultivation of potted herbs using capillary irrigation systems. Among horticultural trends, the production of potted herbs has been steadily gaining importance over the years.
Klasmann-Deilmann has launched an organic wetting agent which can be mixed in to Klasmann KKS organic substrates on request. This product is an extra benefit in organic horticulture and particularly improves the cultivation of potted herbs using capillary irrigation systems. Among horticultural trends, the production of potted herbs has been steadily gaining importance over the years. In this regard, both customers and sellers often ask for plants that are grown using organic cultivation methods. The necessary expertise in nurseries has increased with the rising demands – the quality of organically cultivated potted herbs has long been on a par with that of plants grown conventionally.
In many cases, potted herbs are grown using capillary irrigation systems such as crop gutters. Here, a balanced uptake and distribution of water within the pot is most important. Uniform wetting is important for the even mineralisation of organic nutrients.
In the past, the field of application for high-quality wetting agents has been restricted to conventional horticulture. Appropriate wetting agents for organic substrates have previously not been used.
In view of this, Klasmann-Deilmann tested various organic wetting agents in large-scale trials. Based on the results, a product was choosen that clearly outperformed the others in terms of effectiveness, and meets the exacting demands placed on an additive for Klasmann substrates.
The properties of the new organic wetting agent:
- Good plant tolerance
- Increases the mobility of insect-pathogenic nematodes
- Biodegradable
- Made from vegetable oil
- Approved for organic cultivation
- Suitable for organic potting substrates in ebb and flow irrigation systems or drier cultivation
- In organic blocking substrates for easier and more rapid wetting prior to plug production
- Suitable for organic tray substrates for initial wetting and rapid water uptake during cultivation
- Generally, wetting agents in growing media enhance drier cultivation
The organic wetting agent launched by Klasmann-Deilmann bridges a gap that had been disadvantageous for organic horticulture, and increases the reliability of cultivation, especially in the production of potted herbs using capillary irrigation systems.
Source: Klassmann Deilmann – Klasmann-Deilmann Launches Organic Wetting Agent