Jamie Oliver Speaks & Herb Sales Rise!


Peace has returned to the herb market after a busy Christmas. This according to Piet Bouma of Arava. “Especially the sales to other European countries went well. As a result of the disappearance of Agrexco a large number of sales destinations were added. Now sales continue. Supply is reasonable. In any case there are no big shortages.”


Contrary to other fruit and vegetable products in the herb market seasonal prices do not exist. “That brings peace and works well for all parties,” Piet feels. According to the trader there is not much competition of herbs from other countries and is the competition from Israel more severe.


As far as Piet is concerned the cooking programs will use lots of herbs in their dishes in the coming year. “That works well as one for instance sees that Jamie Oliver uses lots of herbs we notice an immediate increase in the sales of products such as coriander and basil.”

Source: Fresh Plaza – Peace Returned After Busy Herb Sales During Holidays