In Memorium: Richard Douthwaite | Feasta


Richard Douthwaite (1942-2011), co-founder of Feasta and much-loved colleague and friend, died on November 14th 2011 after a long illness. We will miss his unique and far-ranging intellect, the clarity of his thought and writing, his warmth and his laughter. Tributes to him are coming in from around the world.

A cremation service was held at Mount Jerome in Harold’s Cross (Dublin).

In line with Richard’s wishes we are continuing with our scheduled events and publishing of articles.

Many people have expressed appreciation for Richard’s books. You can read Short Circuit and The Ecology of Money for free on this website. The Growth Illusion is available from Green Books.

Feasta’s most recent publication, Fleeing Vesuvius, was co-edited by Richard and includes a chapter by him. Many of Feasta’s other books were also co-edited by Richard. As Brian Davey mentions in his tribute below, a new book will be produced early in the new year by Feasta’s climate group. It will be called Sharing for Survival: Restoring the climate, the commons and society and will include a chapter by Richard.

Source: Feasta – In Memorium: Richard Douthwaite | Feasta