It is the end of the road for old HortiTrends but we hope that we have something better to offer.
We are launching a new HORTI TALK forum that will allow you to discuss many of the important issues that are effecting our sectors today. Signup and get your own topic going!
We have also got a new EVENTS SECTION that will allow you to promote a trade or training event and also allow you to manage event ticket sales and registration.
Also we now have a dedicated jobs website so please have a look whether your are a jobseeker or employer it will make connecting with each other much easier
Just like all plant and gardening trends, technology has moved on for us and rather than a ‘like to have’ site upgrade, we were forced into the move as the online web and marketplace has moved on so much in the last 3 years.
Some of you may have clicked with a mixture of hope and anticipation that we really had gone away while other need their weekly dose of HortiTrends! Information and email inbox overload is problem for us all. Its only if the information that is useful to you, that will justify the time you spend browsing the newsletter or site. The unsubscribe button is at the bottom of the page but make sure to have a quick glance as you make your way down, just in case there is that important snippet of information that can help your business, organisation or career GROW.
We will also be back to normal sectioning of the news next week so that you will only be spending the time you really have to.