We exhibited at the Irish Florist Guild Annual Show last weekend and also delivered a seminar on Social Media for Business. There was an excellent turnout of exhibitors, competition entrants and commercial florists.
There was good interest in the trade stands from the numerous florists at the show and business was being done. Even better then that, was the interaction that was going on between the exhibitors. People were looking at each others products to see how they might work together. That is the way forward for Irish businesses, compete in the areas you compete but co-operate any other way you can. The team behind the event have worked tirelessly as they have realised that no-one else is going to do it for them. I assisted them in promotion of the event and identifying sponsors for the competitions.
Today I received a handwritten letter thanking me for my help. It had a strange effect on me. They could have phoned or emailed me but they went to the trouble of writing a thank you note. I feel a deeper loyalty to the group and maybe, it is because they are florists that they know the value of the personnel touch. It the reason why I always start or finish a conservation about ‘Social Media’ with the statement that “It’ll never beat a handshake”
The most popular read article was Earn Up to €95,000 as a Parks Superintendent Maybe it was surprise at the wage levels or maybe like me, you actually considered applying for the job. Lots of other news, jobs and tenders so please read on.
Thank you,
Joseph (Editor at HortiTrends)