HortiTrends Weekly Comment & News Digest 15th July

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Sorry for newsletter delay but there was a new baby on the way! A full GLAS review and report and photos coming next week plus a HortiTrends exhibitor award. I bet you can’t wait.

The big news this week is that Food Harvest 2020 – Report of the Horticulture Action Group has been released. It is a 25 page document that may determine a large proportion of government policies in horticulture for the foreseeable future. It effects both amenity and commercial horticulture in Ireland. I am still amazed at the numbers of people who know nothing of the report or the make-up of the Action Group. No-one directly from the landscape or eduction/training sectors on it. It will effect us all in some way and its no use anyone grumbling after the fact, that nothing is being done for them or their sector. If you like what you see in it then compliment the action group. If you don’t like what you see then let them know that also.

The report will be translated into ‘Outputs & Deliverables’ by each government department that will have to attempt to meet the Food Harvest 2020 targets. Most funding will also be directed at meeting those targets. Trying to access funding/supports or getting any department to focus on anything else will be difficult. It’s the system we are talking about here. Understand the system and you will better understand the processes that will in turn increase your chances of accessing the funding. Information is power if you decide to act on it. It is and always has been about ‘He who shouts Loudest’ or is just in the know. Now you know!


Thank you,
Joseph (Editor at HortiTrends)