Alison Ryan, London Office, Bord Bia – Irish Food Board

Last week, Bord Bia launched the 2018 Brexit Barometer. One of the challenges that the report highlighted is how companies are going to prepare themselves for the possibility of tariffs and customs being introduced.

In order to help companies prepare themselves for this possible eventuality, Bord Bia will be running a Customs and Tariff Training programme. The aim of the programme is to provide practical training to companies on the basic principles and requirements of customs, tariffs and non-EU trade. By partaking in this programme, companies will be more prepared for Brexit and market diversification, as well as being better able to support current and new business development.

The programme will take place over September, October and November 2018 and will be made up of four two-hour group workshops and one individual mentoring session. The selection process is competitive with 12 companies expected to be supported. Only participants who can participate in all sessions will be accepted onto this programme.

The first session will cover supply chain mapping, exposure to tariffs and non-tariffs barriers. Session two will look at training on the rules of classification, understanding Rule of Origin and also how to use Free Trade Agreements. The third session will cover how to calculate tariffs and duties, how to complete custom forms and how to register for AEO/Trusted Trader Status. The individual mentoring session will be a bespoke consultation with companies to review their progress in identify customs, tariffs, AEO and other implications on their exports to non-EU markets. The final group session will outline the findings and impact of the programme.

For more detail on the programme and proposed dates of when the workshops will take place, click here.

Deadline for applications for the Customs and Tariff training is Thursday 9th August, 5 pm.

To register for the programme, follow this link: Customs and Tariff Training Registration.