A group of fifty-two organic farmers from Denmark paid a four day visit to Irish organic farms and enterprises, starting with a demonstration farm walk at the organic farm of Mr Alan Mooney, Kilcock, County Kildare. Minister of State Shane McEntee TD said
Left: Alan Mooney welcomes Minister of State McEntee to his organic farming enterprise in County Kid-lare
A group of fifty-two organic farmers from Denmark paid a four day visit to Irish organic farms and enterprises, starting with a demonstration farm walk at the organic farm of Mr Alan Mooney, Kilcock, County Kildare. Minister of State Shane McEntee TD said “Visits likes this facilitate an invaluable ex-change of information but also present an opportunity to benefit from the experience of Irish organic farmers, gain a fresh perspective from a country like Denmark which has been so successful in developing its organic sector and from a group of people who are such excellent organic ambassadors for their country.”
Source: HortiTrends News Room