Bord Bia announced plans for a comprehensive national sustainability development programme to more than 120 food and drink industry leaders today during its Pathways for Growth Food and Drink Leadership Summit, taking place in UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business. Bord Bia believes the programme, entitled ‘Origin Green’, will help Ireland become a world leader in sustainably produced food and drink.
Bord Bia announced plans for a comprehensive national sustainability development programme to more than 120 food and drink industry leaders today during its Pathways for Growth Food and Drink Leadership Summit, taking place in UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business. Bord Bia believes the programme, entitled ‘Origin Green’, will help Ireland become a world leader in sustainably produced food and drink. The programme will build on existing work being undertaken at primary production level and it is intended that a target of 75% of Irish food and drink exports will be sourced from signed up members to the programme before the end of 2014, and 100% by the end of 2016.
Bord Bia’s event was opened this morning by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD and will include a closing address from An Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Speaking at the event Minister Coveney said “Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many international food and drinks companies, and equally can underpin a national image for Ireland based on our mild maritime climate, plentiful supplies of water and grass based production. There is a strong correlation between the measures needed to improve environmental sustainability, and those needed to reduce production costs and improve profitability at farm and company level. It is not enough to say that you have a clean, green product, you must be in a position to prove this through a credible means of measurement. I believe that the development of such sustainability programmes is an essential element in the growth strategy for the food sector and I encourage producers and companies alike to sign up.”
Michael Carey, Chairman, Bord Bia added that “the development of a sustainability programme to build Ireland’s brand reputation around green credentials is one of the four key strategic priorities for Bord Bia over the next three years. In addition we will be focusing on enhancing competitiveness; promoting exports and building a vibrant domestic market for the agri-food sector.”
Trade Research Results
To support the development of ‘Origin Green’, Bord Bia commissioned extensive trade research with leading retailers, food manufacturers and foodservice organisations including M&S, Sainburys, Unilever, McDonalds and Subway. The research, currently being undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), has shown that sustainability is now more deeply engrained in retailers’ commercial strategies than ever before and increasingly they see sustainability criteria as becoming a critical requirement of suppliers looking to do business. They view sustainability as helping them boost the efficiency of their supply chain while also driving brand reputation and securing supplies over the longer term.
Origin Green
‘Origin Green’ was unveiled at this morning’s event by Aidan Cotter, Chief Executive of Bord Bia who commented “Retailers are looking for suppliers that can align with their commercial strategies and offer them a point of difference. Our research has highlighted the significant opportunities that exist if the Irish food and drink sector can demonstrate its commitment to delivering continuous improvement. With Origin Green, we can effectively begin to add proof and assurance to our sustainability claims, and provide the evidence that our export customers are looking for.”
The vision behind ‘Origin Green’ was introduced to the delegates in an emotive audio visual presentation setting sustainability in an Irish context and fronted by Irish actress Saoirse Ronan (to view the AV visit
Industry Support
Origin Green is a voluntary programme built upon a commitment from participating food manufacturers to develop a sustainability plan, in conjunction with Bord Bia. Interested parties will sign up to a new ‘Sustainability Charter’ setting out clear targets in key areas such as emissions, energy, waste, water, biodiversity and CSR activities. Once approved, successful members will be entitled to use the ‘Origin Green’ logo as part of their trade marketing, communications and customer relations. Each year, participants will be required to submit independently verified progress reports. In turn, Bord Bia will promote, communicate and develop trade awareness of the ‘Origin Green’ programme among buyers, international media and relevant stakeholders in key export markets. Registration is now open on
As part of a pilot programme, Bord Bia is currently working with nine Irish food and drink companies – Kerry Group, Glanbia (Dairy Ingredients Ireland), Marine Harvest, Country Crest, Dawn Farms, Flahavans, Irish Distillers, ABP and Errigal Seafood. Seethe Origin Green Pilot Companies page for more information.
Green Credentials to Date
In 2011, Bord Bia, in conjunction with Teagasc, introduced carbon footprint monitoring for all Bord Bia Quality Assured beef farms. To date, this is the only such programme in the world that operates on a national basis and that commits to actively measuring and reducing the carbon footprint of each producer.
Similar farm level programmes are planned across the entire range of primary production sectors. A pilot programme for the dairy industry was initiated in 2011 and a national scheme, equivalent to that operational in the beef sector, will be implemented in 2012/2013. Measurement and performance criteria will also be introduced around water and biodiversity
Pathways for Growth Food and Drink Leadership Summit
Today’s Pathways for Growth Food and Drink Leadership Summit brought together Ireland’s leading food & drink industry representatives for the third time since 2010 when the inaugural event was hosted in Farmleigh. Delegates received an update on Bord Bia’s 5 year Pathways for Growth development programme and were addressed by Mary Shelman and Professor David Bell from Harvard Business School.
Following the Leadership Summit, Bord Bia will host its first ever Food and Drink Industry Seminar which will take place during the afternoon of Thursday 21st and all day Friday 22nd June. More than 100 guests will participate in an event modelled on the Harvard Agribusiness Seminar, which will explore, discuss and debate global food company case studies and themes such as change management, sustainability, management of market shifts and product differentiation.
Three Years On – Progress Report on Pathways for Growth 5 work streams:
- Entrepreneurship
A collaboration between Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc saw the launch of Food Works, a mentoring and support programme for entrepreneurs in March 2012.Food Works provides a clear pathway for the development of the next generation of scalable, export-driven food companies. With an envisaged 15 entrepreneurs entering the first phase every year, by the end of 2015, a pool of 45 dynamic start ups will be in play, of which some 20 are expected to be high potential.
- Education
The Bord Bia Education Programme now consists of:
- The Bord Bia Marketing Fellowship where graduates with industry experience complete overseas assignments for Irish companies as part of their MSc in Marketing Practice
- The Food Export Graduate Programme which is an 18 month placement of graduates in Irish companies in association with IBEC
- The Food Industry Strategic Growth Programme where industry professionals enhance their long term career opportunities through leadership-defining projects
A key goal of the education stream is to retain graduates within the industry, developing the next generation of executive talent. Tracking data from the first and second Marketing Fellowship programme indicates retention rates of over 75% to date, with the vast majority of those working in Irish-owned enterprises.Feedback from Irish companies also indicates direct and long-term sales benefits from participation in the Marketing Fellowship programme. The second (2010-2011) programme has, to date, generated sales of €7.9m, with €20m anticipated by 2014. Similar returns are envisaged through the third and fourth programmes.
- Innovation
The Insight and Innovation Team has expanded in the last 12 months, allowing it to significantly increase the flow of services to Irish companies. Over this time, it has also piloted two crowd-sourcing projects with industry clients, leveraging on-line communities to seek out deep consumer understanding and insight. In addition, the team has hosted five inspiration expeditions, which help inspire and motivate companies through exposure to new product and service ideas in other markets.
Investigation of innovation opportunities for the Irish dairy industry in less developed markets began in 2011, with ethnographic research in South Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam capturing the lifestyle, food culture and dairy consumption habits of consumers.
Over 30 companies have availed of the Brand Forum’s mentoring service since its introduction in 2011 and, in 2012, the forum introduced a Syndicated Brand Health Check for members. Some 30 companies are now monitoring and tracking their brand progress through the service.
Finally, macro research projects conducted over the last year have delivered insight into broad consumer trends in areas of interest to Irish industry, including European sports nutrition, the future of health and wellness, and understanding evening meal consumption.
- Co-opetition
Bord Bia is embedding a culture of co-opetition (cooperating rather than competing) into its business development processes, recognising it as a behaviour that can allow Irish companies to address fragmentation and achieve scale competitively.
Irish food and drink companies increasingly recognise the value of strategic engagement with each other to secure new markets, manage larger contracts and reduce overheads.
Bord Bia has engaged with over 110 Irish food and drink companies and developed, assisted or supported 20 individual co-opetition projects in the last year. These include promotion (3); procurement (3); market access/trade (10); logistics (2); and mentoring (2).
- Origin Green – Sustainability Development Programme
See for details
Source: BordBia – Bord Bia Announces Sustainability Development Programme