BecauseWeCare Appointed as Preferred Supplier to GIO Group


Becausewecare™, a new and innovative range of compostable and biodegradable products, are delighted to announce that they have been appointed as a preferred supplier to the Garden Centre Association of Ireland (GCAI) buyers group, Gardening Inside Out (GIO).

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The first product that becausewecare™ is introducing is their range of compostable seedling pots. These pots are the environmentally friendly alternative to both peat and plastic pots. The pots, made from cornstarch, are designed to be placed in the soil with the seedling where they will biodegrade, releasing nutrients into the soil as they do so.

Tim Wells, the Irish and UK agent for becausewecare™, said ”We are delighted that GIO has appointed becausewecare™ as a preferred supplier to their member garden centres across Ireland. This means that GIO member garden centres will be able to stock a truly new,innovative and environmentally friendly product, giving their customers an eco-friendly choice.” He added “Our compostable pots are the first product that we are launching, and we hope to continue this relationship when we introduce new compostable products in the future.”

Becausewecare™ will be assisting their retailers by promoting the pots through advertising in the national garden press and the Grow It Yourself Ireland magazine.