AIPH continues to champion ornamental horticulture with our annual Spring Meeting bringing together a global audience of growers, traders, scientists, and decision-makers in real-time online. The recordings are available to view online anytime.
Coming soon is the AIPH 2021 Green City Conference and the launch of the World Green City Awards 2022.
We also introduce The City of London Green City Briefings starting from 13 April. In collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Gardeners. There will be eight sessions in 2021. These forums will allow delegates to learn and discuss the worldwide adoption of living green in cities due to compelling evidence of the benefits for city resilience and citizen health and wellbeing.
The virtual AIPH International Horticultural Expo Conference on 16 March attracted over 140 delegates online from over 50 countries worldwide, eager to listen to future International Horticultural Expos’ progress reports from now until 2027.
There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the progress of these enormous events, but through adversity came stories of strong leadership, agile planning and the overwhelming spirit of resilience.

Read the review “Making the unimaginable happen”

The AIPH General Meeting on 18 March was held on Zoom with more than 50 attendees.
During the meeting, a new Representative of Region IV (North & Central America) was voted in Mr Abe van Wingerden of Metrolina Greenhouses.
The following positions are open for election/re-election during the 73rd Annual Congress in September 2021:
Candidates recommended by the Board
- Vice-President – Mr Leonardo Capitanio (Italy)
- Vice-President – Mr Zhou Jianping (China)
- Chair of Ornamentals Production Committee – Mr Peter Vaughan (Australia)
- The representative of Region 1 (Europe 1) – Mr Martin Brijs (UK)
- The representative of Region II (Europe II) – Mr Jack Goossens (the Netherlands)
- Representative of Region VIII (Oceana and SE Asia) – Ms Karen Tambayong (Indonesia)
- The representative of Region IX (Africa) – vacancy.
The members agreed upon a revision of Exhibition Regulations and the approval of an AIPH Sustainability Policy.
AIPH members and affiliates can see the agenda documents on our new-look website.
Click here for a video demonstrating how to log in and view the members’ area.
AIPH’s global network of grower associations, industry organisations and businesses Membership of AIPH • The world’s champion for the power of plants or for more details email Senior International Relations Manager Treve Evans treve.evans@aiph.orgThe International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) online conference ‘Working Together for Better Plant Health’ brought together a global audience of growers, traders, scientists, and decision-makers on 24 March. With sponsorship support from Royal FloraHolland, MPS and Visser Horti Systems, a cast of heavy-weight and high-quality contributors from the ornamental horticulture industry presented their current regional regulatory frameworks and national initiatives in place against plant pests and diseases.
Working together for better plant health is our theme for this international industry event. It is recognised by the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH 2020) which is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC).
Commenting on the conference, Mr Tim Briercliffe, AIPH Secretary General, said “From this conference, it was clear to see that in many countries around the world there is industry recognition that regulatory compliance alone is not enough to protect the sector from plant health threats and to maintain confidence in plant trade. National, industry-led schemes have emerged over recent years. They have been developed independently, but with the same goals.
The conference identified a clear need for more dialogue between countries on this issue and the possibility of developing a benchmark standard that could provide international recognition. The potential for collaboration with National Plant Protection Organisations in this will also enable growers to develop systems that reach common goals in a cost-effective way. AIPH will review the conclusions of the conference and our recent plant health survey to make further recommendations for industry collaboration into the future.”
Read the review “Working Together For Better Plant Health”
- Share best practice and experiences of how they increase living green in cities.
- Present innovative thinking in how living green shapes city form and function
- Describe case studies of cross-disciplinary benefits from city greening
Keynote speaker, Prof Rob Adams, City Design, City of Melbourne, shares his insights into how cities evolve to recover from shocks and seize opportunities. This opens the conversation for innovative city leaders to share their successes in the main conference session.
Ms Maria Vassilakou, Vienna Solutions draws from her experience as Vice Mayor of Vienna and independent advisor on urban transformations to describe what makes a city liveable.
Mr Peter Massini, Director of Future Nature Consulting Ltd presents an overview of greening metrics that are used in the policy, discussing some of the challenges and drawbacks and how effective they are in practice.
Ms Jennifer McKelvie, Councillor for the City of Toronto, gives insights from her experience in inspiring the next generation of climate leaders through the C40 Women for Climate mentorship programme.
Prof. Tim Beatley, founder of Biophilic Cities explains the power of community in making cities more nature focussed, and the influence of biophilia in inspiring change.
Ms Ingrid Coetzee, Director of Biodiversity, Nature & Health for ICLEI Africa describes the organisation’s projects on mainstreaming nature, its benefits, and nature-based solutions into urban planning and decision-making in cities and city-regions thereby helping them become healthier, and more resilient and liveable places.
Dr Audrey Timm, Technical Advisor to AIPH introduces the AIPH 2021 Green City Guidelines – an essential digital resource to support decision making.
Ms Anne Jaluzot delivers a case study of Barcelona, the city which changed traffic patterns, replacing roadways with living green, thereby increasing social interactions and reducing pollution.
AIPH Green City Chair, Mr Bill Hardy, will bring the focus onto the AIPH Green City initiative and how the content of this programme integrates with the AIPH vision as the world’s champion for the power of plants.
At the AIPH 2021 Green City Conference, we will also be launching AIPH World Green Cities Awards 2022
AIPH, in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, is delighted to announce the City of London Green City Briefings. The City of London Green City Briefings is a series of 8 one-hour webinars that present compelling evidence and examples of the power of ‘living green’ in delivering multiple solutions to city challenges.
“The City of the Future is Green” – this is the first session and is on Tuesday 13th April 2021 at 13.00 BST. The sessions are free to registered participants.
The Lord Mayor, William Russell will open the City of London Green City Briefings to share his vision for the city.
The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), in association with Union Fleurs – the International Flower Trade Association, has published ‘International Statistics – Flowers and Plants 2020’.
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