Teagasc Plant Protection Web Portal

The Teagasc Horticulture Development Department have recently launched the Teagasc Horticulture Portal which is an online tool for the full range of plant protection products approved for use with horticultural crops.

The subsectors that are covered include ornamental crops, field vegetables, mushrooms and soft fruit with protected edibles to be added in the new year. The portal is accessible at teagaschorticultureportal.ie by mobile device or by desktop for best experience to view data tables.

The Teagasc Horticulture Portal will be updated multiple times a year and provides detailed pesticide information as well as links to product and EAMU labels. Growers can view the portal online or download and print PDFs of the crops sections relevant to them at any time. Note however, whilst every effort is made to keep the Teagasc Horticulture Portal up to date, the ultimate list of plant protection products can be found on the PCS website at: