GLDA INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 2019 SPEAKER LINE-UP ANNOUNCEDThe title of the 2019 event is ‘GARDENING ON THE EDGE’ – Rewilding green spaces. The statistics are stark – Wild animal populations have plummeted by 60% in 44 years – WWF Habitat loss, degradation and the resulting climate change are the main causes. In Ireland broadleaf woodland make up only 2% of our tree cover. Species-rich grasslands have declined by 97%. Two-thirds of the population is now living in urban areas. With urbanisation comes less green space and more concrete. We are living on the edge and it has become impossible to ignore. If we are living on the edge, then we are also gardening on the edge. Is there something more we could do on an individual level and collectively to help restore lost habitats and restore dwindling populations of animals, birds and insects. Do we really need a concrete driveway or a pristine mown lawn? Could we have species-rich grassland on our roofs where ground-dwelling birds might find refuge? Could we plant more native trees and plants in our gardens? SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIESMONIQUE & THIERRY DRONETBerchigranges garden, located in the Vosges mountains in eastern France, is the fruit of the complicity of two plant enthusiasts constantly learning from the observation of nature. Thierry, best described as a landscape architect, gave a new life to the site – a former quarry and spruce plantation. He set up a great variety of areas and of habitats in the garden, where he started to bring native plants from the surrounding mountains. He eventually brought in a local plantswoman, Monique, whose nursery ‘A Cottage Garden’ promoted old cultivars and wild plants alike. Both see gardens as a form of artistic expression, and together, they manage the little world they created like a theatre stage, where wild plants and straight species of perennials are given the lead role. DUSTY GEDGEDusty Gedge has been instrumental in promoting green roofs in the UK. This grew out of work with the London Biodiversity Partnership and his work on conserving the black redstart. This work culminated in the formation of, the UK’s first independent green roof organisation. is the number one website on green roofs in the UK had has campaigned successfully for a distinct living roof policy in London. KEVIN SLOANKevin Sloan is a landscape architect, urban planner and writer with international scope, located in Dallas, Texas. He is the founder and director of Kevin Sloan Studio, a design studio principally concerned with the urban design and landscape architectural problems generated by the metropolitan city and its new and unprecedented formation. He has taught architecture, urban design and landscape architecture at a number of universities and colleges, including as a visiting professor at Syracuse University in Florence, Italy. He has contributed numerous journal articles and is a former columnist on architecture and design for Dallas Downtown Business News. The event takes place on the 23 February in the Crowne Plaza Conference Centre, Santry, Dublin 9. More at ✽ |
CONNECT WITH GARDEN RETAIL AND DIY SUPPLIER’S AT HARDWARE SHOW 2019The Show has become the largest and most important event for the sector, both in Ireland and the wider UK/Ireland marketplace. The 2017 Show at the RDS Simmonscourt was the largest show ever with 163 exhibitors, over 3,800 sqm of space sold, and 2,000+ visitors during the course of the two-day event. With increased activity in both the commercial and residential building sectors as well as continued growth in the renovation, maintenance and improvement of buildings and homes, the 2019 Hardware Show will continue to be the leading show for retailers and merchants across Ireland. Among confirmed exhibitors targeting garden, retailers are Hygeia, NAD and Westland. The event takes place on the 17th to 18th of February 2019 at Citywest, Dublin. More at the ✽ |
DAFM HORTICULTURE NEWSDAFM HIGHLIGHTING PLANT HEALTH & BIO-SECURITY WITH PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING CAMPAIGNAs part of the Departments Plant Health Strategy, the “Don’t Risk it!” plant health and biosecurity awareness raising a campaign was launched at Bloom in the Park on June bank holiday weekend. Through the mediums of the internet, social media and attending key events, the Department’s objective of the campaign is to educate the general public about quarantine pests and diseases such as Xylella fastidiosa and Asian longhorn beetle and highlighting the social, environmental and economic impact of bringing home from abroad potentially infected plants, fruit, vegetables and wood products. The distinctive “red suitcase” campaign logo will also be visible at all airports and ports in Ireland reminding the public of their responsibilities when travelling abroad. ✽ DEADLINE FOR 2019 SCHEME OF INVESTMENT AID FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURE SECTOR APPROACHINGThe Scheme of Investment Aid for the Development of the Commercial Horticulture Sector grant aids capital investments in specialised plant and equipment in the horticulture sector. The scheme’s objectives are to: promote the diversification of on-farm activities; improve the quality of products; facilitate environmentally friendly practices and improve working conditions. More at ✽ |
GROW OBSERVATORY MOBILISES COMMUNITIES AROUND EUROPE ON WORLD SOIL DAY FOR CLIMATE ACTIONIn a changing climate, soil health matters. Communities across Europe involved in the GROW Observatory are highlighting the importance of this precious resource – through a range of innovative events and activities – for World Soil Day 2018. At the Visual Contemporary Arts Centre in Carlow town on Saturday, 1st December between 1300 and 1700 hours, a citizens workshop will be taking place that features theatre, talks and facilitated conversations, as part of a series of events on soil health and citizen science taking place in different European countries celebrating World Soil Day. World Soil Day is held annually on 5th December as a means to focus attention on soil and on advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. This year’s theme is soil pollution. Citizen Science plays an important role in understanding soil health. GROW works with citizens across Europe, gathering data about soil and food growing, because Healthy Soils are key to a Healthy Future. More info from Dee Sewell ✽ |
Christmasworld takes place in Frankfurt brings together manufacturers and retailers, as well as major commercial buyers from all over the world. The event takes place from the 25 to 29 January 2019. More at ✽ |