GLDA ANNOUNCES SPEAKERS FOR 2017 SEMINARAn important diary date for everyone involved in the landscape and design sectors is the GLDA’s annual seminar which will take place on 11 February 2017. Two speakers confirmed for the event so far are Thomas Doxiadis and Noël van Mierlo. The full programme is currently being finalised. Check for updates at glda.ie ✽ NEW SUPPLIER AND SERVICES DIRECTORY LAUNCHED IN HC MAGAZINEWe now have a dedicated supplier and services directory for HC, which you will find on the inside back cover. A useful tool for trade buyers of all sizes, there is a range of suppliers for plants, sundries etc currently promoting themselves. If you are a business looking to promote your service or product offerings, the directory gives you a budget-friendly way of reaching out to a dedicated readership of horticulture businesses and trade professionals in both the public and private sectors. For more information or to be included in the spring edition and throughout 2017 please call Annemarie on 042 966 3532. More at horticulture.ie ✽ HORTICULTURE INDUSTRY GET-TOGETHERFollowing on from previous years’ successful industry get-togethers, it’s all happening again, on Saturday 26 November 2016, 3 to 5 pm in Overend’s Cafe, Airfield, Overend Way, Dundrum, Dublin 16. It’s informal and open to all garden designers, landscapers, nursery growers, suppliers etc – anyone connected with the industry. There is plenty of free parking, and the coffee and cakes are delectable. And if you haven’t yet seen the lovely new Airfield, allow yourself the pleasure of spending a little time in the gardens beforehand. Bring your business cards. Do some networking and meet some new friends. There is no charge and all are welcome. ✽ |
CITY CENTRE FLOWER & PLANT MARKET PROPOSED FOR TEMPLEBAREstablished in 2003 The Temple Bar Company is unique within Dublin as it provides the democratic voice for all business, cultural and voluntary sectors within Temple Bar. They have engaged HortiTrends to research the viability of a monthly flower and plant market to serve residents and visitors to the city centre. If you are interested in a stand at this new market please get in touch with joseph@hortitrends.ie ✽ |
NEW CHILDREN’S RESPITE CENTRE GARDEN SEEKING DONATIONS OF MATERIALS & PLANTSThe Maria Goretti Children’s Respite Centre in Lordship, Co Louth was built by the Maria Goretti Foundation and is managed by RehabCare in conjunction with the HSE. A project to design and build a garden for children and families using the facilities is currently underway. They are seeking manufacturers and suppliers to donate various |
World Soil Day 2015Soils have been neglected for too long. We fail to connect soil with our food, water, climate, biodiversity, and life. We must invert this tendency and take up some preserving and restoring actions. The World Soil Day campaign aims to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives. World Soil Day 2015 will be celebrated on 4 December at the UN Food and Agriculture (FAO) headquarters in Rome and FAO regional offices. National events will also be organised, so make sure to regularly check the map of events and/or register your event. The theme for this year will be “Soils: a solid ground for life”. More at fao.org/global-soil-partnership/en ✽ |
THE THINKING HOUSE LAUNCH FOR THE IRISH AMENITY HORTICULTURE INDUSTRYWant to know what’s forecast for garden and lifestyle trends in 2017 and beyond? Ireland’s food, drink and horticulture industry will for the first time enjoy unrestricted access to the latest global trends, research, consumer insights and industry innovations thanks to a new integrated, state-of-the-art consumer research and market insight centre. Bord Bia is delighted to officially launch their new insight centre – The Thinking House – to the Irish amenity horticulture industry. The Thinking House is an immersive, creative learning environment which puts the consumer at the heart of creating and building brands and bringing new products to market. The highlight of the day will be a |
COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURE GRANT SCHEME OPEN FOR APPLICATIONSThe Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine recently launched the 2017 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Development of the Commercial Horticulture Sector. The closing date for receipt of applications is 16 December 2016. The scheme is open to all sectors within the horticultural industry making capital investments in new specialised buildings and/or equipment which meet at least one of the following scheme objectives: Funding is allocated at a rate of up to 40% (50% in the case of young growers/farmers) for approved investments. The scheme is a competitive scheme where applicants compete with each other for the available funding. With this in mind, Minister of State with responsibility for Horticulture, Andrew Doyle TD, has urged those interested in applying for the scheme to contact their independent Teagasc advisor as early as possible to ensure they are in a position to lodge a well-prepared application prior to the deadline of 16 December 2016. Over the period 2008-2015, €5.6 million in grant aid was paid under the scheme to applicants from the nursery stock and related ornamental sectors. This supported the investment of €14 million by the sector. In 2016 a further €0.75m was allocated to the nursery stock and related ornamental sectors. The Department has advised payments of 2016 grant aid are ongoing at present. More at agriculture.gov.ie ✽ |
IALI SECURES FUNDING TO DEVELOP A LANDSCAPE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThe Irish Association of Landscape Industries (IALI) was established two years ago to explore how the wider horticulture community works together to address shared issues. With representation from all of the key sectors and professional bodies, the group set about focusing its energies on addressing well documented and pervasive issues relating to the specification, tendering and delivery of landscape schemes in Ireland. Following the completion of a number of landscape audits and the production of an audit report, the group concluded that the most effective strategy to address the wide-ranging issues was to develop a practical and Irish specific landscape quality management system (LQMS). While the proposed system will include the development of a specific set of contracts, standards and related documents its core rests on a simple concept: Landscape architects will have a formal signing off role throughout all stages of landscape projects and landscape works are to be carried out by appropriately qualified landscape contractors. In addition, assessment by the appropriate landscape professionals such as arborists for tree works will form part of the LQMS. Having explored a number of funding options, the group approached Bord Bia who recognised the long-term potential of the scheme to increase the quality of Irish landscapes and the role played by various stakeholders, particularly Irish ornamental plant producers. Bord Bia has provided funding for phase 1 of the project, which centres on the development of the documents and processes surrounding the proposed system. Phase 1 is expected to take 12 months and is being led by former president of the Landscape Institute, Tony Williams. Working directly with Tony, who is a landscape architect, Eoghan Riordan Fernandez who is being employed to undertake much of the production tasks. Guidance and input will be provided by a steering group with representation from the Irish Landscape Institute, Irish Hardy Nursery Stock Association, the Garden & Landscape Designers Association, the Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland and the Arboriculture Association (Irish branch). At the end of phase 1, a review will be undertaken and phase 2 which involves further work on the LQMS will begin. Phase 2 requires the implementation phase of the LQMS and will require dialogue with statutory agencies and the enactment of appropriate regulatory instruments and systems. Updates on the project will be shared through various channels and on the group’s website, www.iali.ie. ✽ |