NEW HERB WEBSITEA new website providing information on the cooking and health benefits of herbs was launched in May to mark National Herb Week 2015. It is a collaboration between herb producers (O’Hanlon Herbs and Mc Cormack Farm) and the Irish Register of Herbalists in association with Bord Bia. The website focuses on recipe-driven traffic presented as pictorial and video-based recipes. It includes a full herbs identification profile, a featured herb of the month, a focus on associated health benefits as well as discussions on the traditional usage of herbs. The site also provides a kids’ section, a frequently updated herb blog, and a directory of Irish herbalists contributing articles and information to the website. ✽ |
EXPLORING SALAD POTATO OPPORTUNITIESThe salad potato category has grown in recent years. The market is supplied from both Irish growers and imports. It is estimated that 20,000 tonnes are imported per year. While there are a number of Irish growers supplying some of the domestic market demand for this product, there is scope to increase the volume of home-produced salad potatoes to the domestic market. The production of salad potatoes requires considerable skill and a change of practice if changing from traditional ware potato production, and farmers will require the knowledge and support to enable them to make the necessary changes for a profi table and sustainable future. It is in this context that this initiative between Teagasc, Bord Bia, the IFA and the Potato Industry has been undertaken. The overall purpose of the programme is to increase the level of information to existing growers and ultimately increase the number of salad potatoes grown and available to the market in Ireland. This will involve equipping the industry with the necessary skills and knowledge to sustainably develop their potato enterprises. The methodology of the project Elements of the project include a demonstration farm in Wexford and collaboration set up with SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) with Dr. Stuart Wale to help with technical delivery. Two meetings have taken place to date with key technical areas discussed and demonstrated. For further information contact Michael Hennessy, Teagasc, Oakpark, Co Carlow at ✽ |
SEED POTATO PRODUCTIONA seminar organised by Teagasc and sponsored by Bord Bia focusing on seed potato production, and in particular on the Blackleg disease, took place in Dublin in March. A large attendance of both specialist seed and ware potato growers heard Dr. Barry O Reilly from the Department of Agriculture, Food and & the Marine, address the seminar about the new EU regulations governing seed certification and also the standards seed must pass to qualify in each seed category and grade. The seminar was also addressed by Dr. Jan van der Wolf from Wageningen University in Holland, an international expert on the potato disease, who outlined the importance of Blackleg in an Irish context and gave recommendations to help farmers deal with the disease. Dr. Denis Griffin from Teagasc outlined how growers should focus on specialised seed potato production, rather than dual cropping, and summarised the major steps to achieving this. Poster sessions included information on virus and potato cyst nematode and blight. ✽ |
MARKET ASSISTANCE FOR HORTICULTURE COMPANIESEach year Bord Bia makes funding available under the Market Assistance Programme (MAP) to assist companies with their marketing activities. In addition in 2015, a new Step Change Programme (SCP) was introduced to assist a limited number of companies embarking on a new project, to take their business to the next level. In 2015 a total of 39 horticulture applications were approved under the MAP and SCP programmes with the amount approved for Horticulture companies totalling €181,000. ✽ |
GARDEN LANDSCAPE AMENITY SPORTSTURF (GLAS TRADESHOW)The fifth annual GLAS trade show takes place on Thursday 23rd July in the exhibition centre at the Citywest Hotel in Saggart, Co Kildare. The show which is organised by the Kildare Growers in conjunction with Bord Bia, the main sponsor, continues to grow each year. It is now the premium national tradeshow for amenity horticulture and sportsturf. This year there will be over 110 exhibitors at the show. In 2014 98% of visitors found the day at the show worthwhile while 78% indicated that they would be spending with exhibitors after the show (GLAS Exit survey 2014). For further information go to the website ✽ |