All-Ireland Pollinator Plan launch a New course: Managing School Grounds for Biodiversity

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is delighted to launch a new online course ‘Managing School Grounds for Biodiversity’, developed in collaboration with the Department of Education.

This free course is aimed at caretakers, groundskeepers, and those responsible for caring for school grounds. From pesticide alternatives to plant lists, biodiversity-friendly mowing tips to ideas on getting the school community involved, this is an opportunity for any school wanting to manage their grounds for nature, no matter their size, space, or previous experience.

Schools tackling the biodiversity crisis
On the island of Ireland, many of our habitats and species are in decline, including one third of our wild bees. This could affect the survival of our wild plants and many of our food crops.

In 2019 the Irish government declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. Now more than ever it is crucial that we change the way we manage every corner of our landscape to support the natural world.

Many schools are already doing work for biodiversity through establishing nature gardens, green teams, and working towards achieving Green Flags. Some examples of this work are featured in the new course, as well as practical advice on how to build raised beds, make a pollinator-friendly rainwater planter, plant trees and grow fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Úna Fitzpatrick, co-founder of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan said:

“We are delighted to launch this course in collaboration with the Department of Education. There are already schools all over Ireland making a massive difference for biodiversity. This course has lots of ideas for further evidence-based actions, and it’ll also help those who are starting out on their journey. Pollinator numbers are in decline, but local populations are increasing where actions are being taken to help them. This is a sign that biodiversity can bounce back if we give it a chance. If every school in Ireland took just one action, the impact would be huge – not just for biodiversity, but for the children who will then become passionate champions for nature.”

Dr. Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, Chair of the Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, said:

“Schools are often at the heart of communities and there is no better place to begin nurturing and protecting our natural environment. This Biodiversity Training course for those managing school grounds will be hugely impactful on local nature and on all those in the school community who can be proud of the positive impact they are having on the environment. So much learning beyond the curriculum happens in schools and these actions to enrich biodiversity around schools will empower the next generation to conscientiously act for the climate and for the natural world that we depend on for all facets of life. As Chair of Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, it makes me hugely proud of the work that the people of the Assembly did to see another recommendation come to fruition.”

Where can I find the course?
Enroll for free on Ireland’s Biodiversity Learning Platform:

Course: Managing School Grounds for Biodiversity
A huge thank you to the Department of Education for collaborating with us on the development of this course. Thank you also to GIY Ireland; Patrick Kirwan, Ardscoil Na Mara, Tramore; Emily Taylor, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful; Aisling Mackessy & Siobhán Hyde, Scoil Bhríde, Midleton; Eva Spillane, Firies National School, Co. Kerry, and Aoibhéann McCann for their input and advice.

Find out more here.

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan resources for schools