The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has launched a public consultation survey on the future of forests in Ireland today. This is the latest phase in the development of a new Forestry Strategy for Ireland.
The consultation is part of the work of Project Woodland to shape a new shared vision and develop a new strategy for trees and forests in Ireland. All citizens, private organisations, public authorities, communities and stakeholders are welcome to contribute.
The online questionnaire is available here from Wednesday 16 March and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey features sections on the reasons why we plant forests, the places they are planted, the types of trees we plant, and how forests are managed. Respondents can also provide additional information to the questionnaire.
The consultation will run for six weeks from today until 27 April 2022.
Senator Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Biodiversity and Land Use, said:
“Trees are a vital part of our natural heritage and make significant contribution to our rural economy. The shared vision for forests and the forest strategy we are developing will have an impact for generations to come. I encourage the public and stakeholders to take part in the survey and to make their views known. Through Project Woodland we are engaging with the public, local communities and stakeholders in a series of ways; this consultation is a crucial next step in forming a new forest strategy. This is an exciting time for forestry, and I am excited to see the results of this consultation.”
The information provided by respondents will be used to inform the final Shared National Vision for Trees and Forests in Ireland and in the development of a new Irish Forest Strategy.
Received contributions will be published on the Department website after the closing date.