Horticulture Connected Reporting Live and Launching New Website at GLAS 2017
Meet the team, drop off a news piece and collect a free copy of the latest edition of Ireland’s leading trade news magazine for...
Cropcare to Launch ‘ New Way’ Weedspray at GLAS
‘New Way’ Weedspray is a non-selective herbicide for both amenity industrial weed and moss control. Based on naturally occurring ingredients it controls grasses, broadleaf weeds...
Ways Farmers can help Bees
‘Bees need wildflowers on farms’ was the message from Teagasc and the Federation of Irish Beekeepers' Associations (FIBKA) at the Teagasc National Crops and...
80% of exporters believe UK still offers significant potential, Bord Bia report
‘Brexit can be a catalyst for positive changes’ Bord Bia CEO
A new report launched by Bord Bia today shows a renewed optimism for the...
Horticulture at the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB)
Shane talks about his experience studying Horticulture here at the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin. www.itb.ie/horticulture
Over 130 exhibitors now confirmed for Glas 2017
GLAS – Ireland’s number one amenity horticulture and sportsturf trade show is back in town boasting a new-look layout with over 130 exhibitors taking...
AIPH calls on the Best Growers of Finished Plants and Trees
Finished plant and tree growers from all over the world are invited to compete for Gold in the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)...
Death Announcement for Alistair Lorimer RIP
Sad news has reached us today of the death of Alistair Lorimer last week after a long battle with cancer.
Many of you will have...
Salon du Vegetal – Innovert winners are…
In may’s beginning, we announced you not less than 70 novelties nominated for the Innovert Novelties Competition. Today, we reveal you the winning products....
Malus sieboldii Aros takes best in show at HTA New Plant Awards
Malus sieboldii Aros from Frank P Matthews has been crowned this year as Best in Show at the New Plant Awards on the opening...