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Irish Specialist Nurseries Association PLANT FAIRS 2018

ISNA Plant Fairs MARCH 10th or 24th, TBC. St Anne's Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 APRIL 1st and 2nd, Farmleigh Estate, Phoenix Park, Dublin 15 APRIL 15th, Airfield...

Xylella: ‘Impressive progress, but much still to be done’ | European Food Safety Authority

More than 250 plant health experts from around the world met in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, last week to share and debate the latest...
Brexit image

HTA gives evidence at EFRA Committee hearing on Brexit

The hopes and concerns of the garden industry post-Brexit were made clear to Westminster representatives at a Select Committee Inquiry on 15 November, and...

The Amazon Effect – John Stanley

2017, I believe, will be looked on as the tipping year as far as the Amazon Effect is concerned. I came across businesses that were...

Salon du Vegetal – 2018 theme

For its 2018 edition, the Salon du Végétal tradeshow combines plants, sharing and business thanks to its theme "Naturally friendly!" With the theme "Naturally friendly! »,...

Finalists announced for AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards 2018

Nine ornamentals growers, from Canada, China, Colombia, Israel and The Netherlands have reached the finals of the AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards...

Plantarium 2018 and GROEN-Direkt under the same roof

Plantarium and GROEN-Direkt join physically in 2018. Plantarium will take place in the hall adjacent to GROEN-Direkt's Autumn trade fair in August 2018. So...

Brexit issues featured heavily at 2nd successful GrowQuip international conference

Delegates were unanimous in their praise for the excellent speaker line-up, interesting and varied content and excellent networking provided at the GrowQuip conference held...

Minister Doyle Launches Horticulture Investment Scheme

Andrew Doyle T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for Horticulture, today announced the opening...

AIPH International Statistics – Flowers and Plants 2017

The International Statistics Flowers and Plants 2017 yearbook shares the available data on the global production and trade of flowers and plants. Produced by...