Work to begin on new park at medieval lane behind Christchurch Cathedral

Dublin City Council would like to announce that it will shortly begin work on the re-development and landscaping of the open space which adjoins the medieval John’s Lane between Christchurch Cathedral and the Civic Offices at Woodquay.

The work will be carried out by the Council’s Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services team.

At present, the site is not well used and so is subject to anti-social activity. The proposed works will involve levelling the ground and removing walls and other obstructions to make the site more accessible. The proposed paving materials and planting design will be sensitive to the historic context and contemporary seating will be installed. The footprint of the former St John’s Church and burial ground will also be delineated on the ground to promote the medieval heritage of the site.

In effect, the works will create a new quality public space in the city-centre for the public and visitors to enjoy, set in the context of one of the city’s most important medieval buildings.

Construction works are expected to be complete towards the end of 2025. The works will unfortunately necessitate the removal of trees on the site but appropriate replacement planting will be carried out as part of the scheme.

Leslie Moore, Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services, Dublin City Council said, “This enhancement of this space at the Civic Offices for the public to enjoy is part of an on-going investment in recent years by Dublin City Council to improve the quantity and quality of parks and public spaces within the canals which benefit those who live, work in and visit the City.”