Flormart Green Italy 2024 Inaugurated in Padua

In the presence of Matteo Zoppas, President of ICE – Italian Trade Agency-, Padova Hall President Nicola Rossi, Regional Councilor and President of the First Council Commission of the Veneto Region Luciano Sandonà, and Fiere di Parma CEO Antonio Cellie, Flormart Green Italy, the international event dedicated to floriculture and green trends, was inaugurated today in Padua, organized by Fiere di Parma. Minister Lollobrigida also expressed his support for the Floriculture sector through a video message.

Padua, September 25, 2024 – The 2024 edition of Flormart Green Italy, the International Exhibition of Floriculture, Green Spaces, and Landscaping, opened today in Padua. With the participation of Nicola Rossi, President of Padova Hall; Matteo Zoppas, President of ICE Agency; Luciano Sandonà, Regional Councilor and President of the First Council Commission of the Veneto Region; and Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma, Padua hosts the third edition of the most important floriculture event organized by Fiere di Parma.

Minister Lollobrigida’s Video Message
Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, unable to attend in person, expressed the Government’s support for the Floriculture sector through a video message. “I would like to extend my greetings and those of the government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as a sign of our support for a sector that represents a fundamental part of our agriculture. Italian floriculture, with a production value reaching 3.2 billion euros in 2022, constitutes 5% of total agricultural production and plays a strategic role in both the economy and environmental sustainability. Italy ranks third in the European Union for plant and flower production and second for exports, with over 1.2 billion euros.

“These numbers,” stated Lollobrigida, “highlight the value and potential of a sector we have supported through specific legislation on floriculture. Since July, the sector now has a clear framework, an organic regulatory structure, which includes a dedicated office within the Ministry, a national strategic plan, and specific measures for the promotion, certification, and internationalization of our floricultural excellence.”

The Fair’s Numbers
Flormart Green Italy remains a crucial fair for major business transactions and an international observatory for the floriculture, green space, and landscaping sectors, with 125 exhibitors, both direct and indirect, from all over the world. The event, spanning 7,000 square meters, involves the participation of around 200 Italian and international buyers from over 30 Countries. Thanks to the collaboration with ICE Agency, Flormart Green Italy continues to be a privileged platform for developing new business opportunities at an international level.

An Important Business Platform for the Sector
Flormart Green Italy is confirmed as one of the most important business platforms for the floriculture sector, both nationally and internationally. With a clear focus on commerce, the event provides a unique opportunity for companies in the industry to connect directly with decision-makers and sector operators. Here many companies build relationships and sign contracts that represent a significant portion of annual. For many of them, participation in the fair is a strategic opportunity to secure orders and partnerships that can determine the economic success of an entire year. The three-day event, which will conclude on September 27, allows participants to showcase innovations, solidify relationships, and create new business synergies.

Fiere di Parma’s Commitment “Fiere di Parma once again confirms its commitment and strategic investments undertaken since the 2022 edition of Flormart Green Italy,” said Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma. “Firmly believing in the potential of the floriculture sector, Fiere di Parma has invested significant resources in what it considers a strategic sector: a production value exceeding three billion euros, of which almost 50% is due to exports, testifying to the vitality and development potential of Italian floriculture. Fiere di Parma’s goal,” Cellie continued, “is to actively contribute by supporting and amplifying this growth, providing a platform where innovation, sustainability, and business come together to create new commercial opportunities and promote the development of the sector.”

The International Aspect of Flormart and ICE Agency Support
“Fairs play a crucial role in growing companies’ exports and can make a difference,” said Matteo Zoppas, President of ICE Agency. “During events like Flormart, exhibitors not only showcase their products but also have the opportunity to connect with buyers and business representatives, laying the foundation for long-lasting commercial relationships. At the 2024 edition of Flormart, ICE Agency brings 125 operators from 32 countries to support the growth of the export of a sector that is an excellence of Made in Italy, with 1.2 billion euros in exports in 2023, up 0.4% from 2022 and 34.4% from 2019. The current year is marking a 3.5% increase in foreign turnover between January and June, confirming the appreciation for the capabilities of Italian floricultural entrepreneurs to offer top-quality products made with cutting-edge technologies and a strong focus on the environment and biodiversity conservation.”

The Value of the Sector and Its Importance in Italy
The value of the green sector in Italy stood at around 3.2 billion euros in 2023, accounting for 5% of total agricultural production. Exports of floricultural products are an absolute excellence, with a value exceeding 1.2 billion euros: Italy ranks second only to the Netherlands in Europe and holds the third position globally, after the Netherlands and Colombia. Globally, according to Eurostat estimates, the production value of flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) is 25 billion euros (1.46 billion euros in Italy), generated by 300,000 businesses in the sector covering an area of 680,000 hectares. Adding to these numbers are nurseries: 28 billion euros in production value (1.68 billion euros in Italy) and 61,000 companies, for a total estimated global sector value of 53 billion euros.

Special Areas, Conferences, and Green-themed Readings
Flormart Green Italy represents a journey through green themes, offering a rich and diverse exhibition path designed to explore the many facets of the green world. The fair’s Special Areas will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and innovations in the sector, offering professionals and visitors a unique opportunity to discover innovative and sustainable solutions, encouraging dialogue and ideas exchange among different industry players.

There are also opportunities for education and in-depth exploration, thanks to a rich program of conferences and meetings addressing crucial topics such as the role of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change, innovations in Mediterranean agrivoltaics, multidisciplinary challenges in green project design, and the importance of biodiversity
through the use of resilient plant species. All these sessions will offer professionals a valuable opportunity to update, discuss, and develop new skills. Flormart Green Italy also provides emotional and cultural experiences of the green world through fascinating exhibition routes and immersive spaces where nature and design blend, offering unique sensory experiences and relaxing moments within the fair. There will also be areas dedicated to literature and specialized information to deepen knowledge and stay updated on the latest industry trends.