Floriculture as a Sector of Italian Excellence, at the top of European and World Exports: Urban and Landscape Regeneration as future focus

Italian floriculture stands out among the steadily growing national sectors, with significant export shares in international markets: Italy second in Europe only to the Netherlands, and third as an exporter globally. Now the focus must be on urban regeneration and landscape for a sustainable future.

The 73rd edition of Flormart Green Italy thus becomes a privileged international observatory on the floriculture, green, and landscape sectors, where all the main actors of the sector come together to create a common and sustainable vision for the future. “It is with satisfaction that Fiere di Parma confirms the commitment it made three years ago to promote, through Flormart GREEN ITALY, Italian floriculture as a fundamental pillar for urban and landscape regeneration”-said Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma-“Exceeding the threshold of three billion in terms of production value, means counting by right Floriculture among the first level resources in the national context; this figure, together with the Italian export figures of one billion 200 million, therefore confirm the great importance of our production also at international level.” Industry operators and the support of ITA-Italian Trade Agency. A large number of industry operators will participate at the Exhibition, at least 50 percent of them from abroad, thanks to the cooperation with ITA- Italian Trade Agency. Invitations of profiled operators are in progress from Albania, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, Holland, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden and Latvia. Public green and private green. The 2024 edition of Flormart GREEN ITALY will focus on green for business, new residential districts, sports and leisure, and commercial areas. The different thematic areas will provide an opportunity for industry stakeholders to engage with real issues that concretely influence the development of the landscape.

The value of Made in Italy green production is a true national asset that stood at around 3.1 billion euros in 2023 (a good 30 percent more than the 2.45 billion euros of 2016, annus horribilis with the lowest figure marked in the last decade), even coming to equal the record figures of 2022, annus mirabilis for the sector (source: Istat).

Italian floriculture exports as a national point of excellence. Exports of Italian floriculture products represent a flagship: with a value of more than 1.2 billion euros, our nation is second only to the Netherlands in Europe while it holds the third position, after the Netherlands and Colombia, globally. The total export consists of 780 million for ornamental and nursery plants (excluding fruit trees and shrubs, amounting to 90 million), 300 million for potted plants, 170 million derived from foliage, branches, mosses, lichens, cut, fresh or treated, and 135 million of the cut flowers. The more than positive export performance ensures the trade balance, with the 27 EU countries being the main destination of Italian products (about 80 percent).

Value of flower, ornamental plant and nursery production in the world and Europe. Globally,
according to Eurostat estimates, the value to the production of flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) is 25 billion euros (1.46 billion that of Italy), generated by 300,000 businesses in the sector over an area of 680,000 hectares. To these numbers must be added those of the nursery industry: 28 billion in production value (Italy’s 1.68 billion) and 61,000 enterprises for a total estimated value of the global sector of 53 billion euros. At the European level, the value of flower and ornamental plant production, excluding nurseries (generated by 33,000 enterprises on an area of 55,000 hectares), is 9.4 billion, 10 times African production and almost twice that of North American production (source: Eurostat, AIPH); the value of European nursery production is 12 billion, with an estimated 20,000 enterprises in the industry (source: Eurostat), for a total estimated value of the European industry of 21.4 billion euros.