12 days preservation for Strawberries: Janny MT Storage Solutions


Adapting to the market

Growers around the UK are adapting to the market demands. Shorter channels of distribution, local products, so many different channels emerging and expanding. Growers and pack houses need to be adaptable and expand their offer throughout the season. A good way to do this is adding more flexibility into the growers’ storage regimes. Whatever the size of the farm, growers need to find ways of storing their volumes for different reasons such as smoothing out the production peak, optimizing the harvest, reducing losses in the field or after storage…

Some years such as last year seem to push growers towards maximizing the value of their
production. Janny MT is the unavoidable solution to optimize their sales.

Strawberries and raspberries are sensitive, this is why it is important to grow and pick them in good  conditions.  

The flexibility of the system allows producers across the world to find the right market and  maintain the freshness of the fruit.

Simon , quality manager – Domaine des  Loveresses – Switzerland

Simon in Janny MT

“We have just under a hectare of strawberries. We pick them by hand and place them directly in trays. Our strawberries are grown in a substrate above ground under cover. We have favored firm varieties of strawberries (Charlotte) that we sell in our shop.

We are very satisfied with our modules; they are most useful end of May when we have our production peak. We sell locally and our production is not sufficient to satisfy our customers. However, we still have peaks that are difficult to manage and the modules have given us a great deal of flexibility and peace of mind in storage.

Since using Janny MT modules we have managed to smooth out our sales and it is amazing to be able to keep strawberries for 12 days! The quality after storage is incredible, they keep very well.

The important point is to follow Janny MT instructions. I have had very good support from CĂ©line Kuentz, and following instructions, I haven’t had any problems.”

Rajesh – Yashasvi – India.

Rajesh from Janny MT“We grow strawberries at high altitude, we are in Mahabaleshwar Maharashtra. We produce around 10 tons of strawberries during a period of 4 months. We pick our strawberries manually, detaching them by the stem only.

We are very attentive not to touch the fruit to find perfect quality products. We store
Nabila, Sweet Sensation, Camarosa varieties.

I am very happy with the way modules have helped me in my sales. I keep my
strawberries for more than 12 days with a perfect quality! Storing in Janny MT modules
allows us to do distress sales and just generally offers more flexibility.

Janny MT modules are a real success in the strawberry business, they really help me in
granting time to find the right market place for my produce and maintain freshness. I
would recommend them to all growers who care about the quality of their products.”