Business Working Responsibly Mark Sessions 2013

At Business in the Community Ireland, we want to make Ireland the most responsible country in the world to do business. In our endeavour to achieve this in 2010 we launched the Business Working Responsibly Mark. The Mark is designed to assist companies to develop their responsible and sustainable business strategies and to certify companies that have achieved excellence in this area. In 2013 we have designed three unique briefing sessions around the Business Working Responsibly Mark to educate companies on what exactly The Mark measures and how it can have an impact on your business.

Each session will be hosted or facilitated by one of the most recent recipient companies of The Mark. The sessions are designed for companies interested in learning about measuring their sustainability practices and for companies that are currently going through The Mark process. Attendees will also get an insight into the corporate responsibility practices and policies that the recipient companies have in place and the standards they have achieved to be awarded The Mark.

Accenture will kick off the series and will host the first session on April 17th at their offices at 1 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2. At this session attendees will hear from Mark Ryan, Country Managing Director and Carmel Halpin, Corporate Citizenship Lead, Accenture.

On May 15th, Business in the Community Ireland will host the session which will feature input from Pfizer. Dervila Keane, Stakeholder Relations and Brand Communications Manager, Pfizer Healthcare Ireland will speak about Pfizer’s approach to sustainability and the impact that The Mark had for them both at home and abroad.

The last session of the year will take place on November 13th and will be hosted by Eirgrid. The attendees to this session will hear from Fintan Slye, CEO of Eirgrid and also Michael Walsh, Director Corporate Affairs, Planning and Strategy, Eirgrid.

On the 17th October 2013 we will be celebrating the latest recipients of the Business Working Responsibly Mark at our annual CEO forum. If your company is planning on going for The Mark in 2013 your company questionnaire needs to be returned to Business in the Community Ireland by 15th August.

If your company wants to get certified in CSR, register now to attend one of the above listed briefing sessions. Please email referencing Business Working Responsibly Mark session in the subject line. Places are limited so register your interest now.

Source: Envirocentre –