Organic And Free Range – And We Can Say It!

IOFGA welcomes the clarification from the FSAI and DAFM concerning the labelling of organic eggs. Until recently all organic egg producers falsely believed that they could not apply the marketing standard “free range” to label organic eggs.

IOFGA queried the restriction as they believed it was misleading for consumers and a barrier to the expansion of the organic sector.

Free range criteria is embedded in the organic standards and now according to the competent authority, certified organic egg producers can apply the marketing standard.

As a result of this clarification, organic egg producers can now describe their eggs as organic and free range. Gillian Westbrook, General Manager, IOFGA stated “This is a fantastic turn around as it allows organic egg producers to legally state how their eggs are produced. In the past it was a marketing disadvantage for our members as consumers did not realise that organic eggs must be free range, now this information is clearly available for consumers. Producers must simply be registered under both pieces of legislation with the Department”.

Source: IOFGA – Organic And Free Range – And We Can Say It!