Continued Expansion In French Organic Market

In an overall fairly static food market, the organic sector in France has quadrupled in value over the past 10 years. Agence Bio France suggests that the organic food market in France is now close to €4 billion by value. This represents an increase of 12% year on year and leaves the sector accounting for c.2.3% of the total food market.

(This article is based on a paper given by Anais Riffiod of Agence Bio France at the Biofach Congress Nurnberg Messe Germany, February 2012)

In an overall fairly static food market, the organic sector in France has quadrupled in value over the past 10 years. Agence Bio France suggests that the organic food market in France is now close to €4 billion by value. This represents an increase of 12% year on year and leaves the sector accounting for c.2.3% of the total food market.

4 out of 10 French consumers now claim to eat organic food on a regular basis, with health and the environment being cited as the main reasons for buying it. Amongst organic shoppers, 37% of them state that eating organic food has changed their everyday relationship to food (through looking for seasonal and fresh food). Virtually all organic food consumers in France state that they intend to maintain or increase their organic products consumption.

On the supply side more farmers are converting to organic with 23,100 organic farms (4.6% of the total), which was an increase of +12%.  Coupled with this has been a parallel increase of 17% in the number of processors and distributors with 12,000 now in business.

France has nearly 950,000 ha of organically managed land which is 3.4% of all agricultural land. While mainstream retailers dominate organic food sales (45%), there are several other channels for organic products, including a strong specialist group of organic retailers (34%). Public catering is also seen as a promising market outlet. The most popular foods bought are fresh products, although sales processed food products have also reported strong growth.

Lorcan Bourke, Horticulture Division, Bord Bia – Irish Food Board

Source:Bord Bia-Continued Expansion In French Organic Market