Mike Neary head of the the Horticulture Department in Bord Bia sent us on the following information. The programmes have been created to help businesses with brand and new product development.
Bord Bia Brand Development Programme
This programme assists horticulture businesses with brand development and to engage in best practice branding by providing tools/products, services and information.
Under this Service, Bord Bia offers financial assistance for the following areas:
- Brand Creation
- Packaging Redesign
- Brand Audits
- PR
- Website Development & Online Marketing.
Funding support available is up to 45% of net costs plus VAT to a maximum of €10,000 per project.
Bord Bia Foresight4food Programme
This programme addresses the areas of Innovation and New Product Development – The Foresight4food programme encourages food drink and horticultural companies to be more consumer focused in their New Product Development by offering them access to research and innovation services at reduced costs. The programme offers services in three consumer focused innovation areas: stimulation, ideation and validation. The innovation areas are not reliant on each other. Companies may alternatively choose to participate in individual areas. Funding support available is minimum 50% of net costs plus VAT.
For further information contact Bord Bia on 01 6685155 or www.bordbia.ie