Trends And Observations From The UK – Teagasc Horticulture

Imports are getting more expensive, plant health might be used to protect their market

trendsandobservationsfromtheuk.jpgThe recent HTA plant fair was a good chance to see what is changing in the UK. Visiting some nurseries also gave an insight into new products. The most striking point was that some expensive crops are again being grown in the UK due to the cost of sterling – e.g. Alstromeria are again competitive for some growers. Plant trends evident at the show were the continued strength in popularity of traditional plants but with new twists or snappy marketing e.g. Hydrangea, Pittosporum balls (alternative to Buxus), Dahlia sentinals and Chrysanthemums. I saw a range of potted plants marketed for the end of terms gifts for teachers- surely a better present than more smelly soap!
Plant health has been noted in a number of ways. 

Warnings that protected zone status will be more strictly enforced – Xanthamonas arbicola pv. pruni on laurel being more closely monitored
Seminars at the HTA event discussed growers coming together, working to prevent new pathogen introductions.
Castanea blight has been detected in London a further spread from Southern England.