Mid-summer is now upon us and lawns should be at their best. The early spring work of weed and moss control with weed, feed and moss control products should all now be completed. If still required, then this should be carried out as soon as possible.

The dry weather in many parts of the country has left lawns looking stemmy with patchy growth apparent in many places. Barry Murray, Chief Agronomist, Goldcrop Limited has this advice, “These lawns require urgent remedial action by the application of a good quality slow-release fertiliser such as Landscaper Pro Spring and Summer to feed the grass and encourage tillering (thickening of the lawn).

“Regular mowing is essential to keep the lawn nice and leafy and to prevent the plants from becoming stemmy. Raking out of thatch with a metal rake will also help keep your back garden looking its best. Patching with a high-quality lawn seed containing a minimum of 60% dwarf perennial ryegrass, 35% creeping red fescue and chewings fescue would be ideal provided moisture was present.”

Barry adds, “Going into the autumn regular mowing should continue and an application of a lawn feed containing phosphate for rooting should be applied.” ✽