Janny MT: Responding to the plum industry problems

Various challenges to be met 

As a table fruit, in desserts, in cakes, in tarts, in dried fruit…: there are many ways to appreciate plums. This summer fruit seduces with its sweet taste and its undeniable health benefits: rich in vitamins A, K and C, it is also a very good source of antioxidants. It is therefore natural that it is a must for consumers looking for a balanced and healthy diet.

China is the biggest plum producer worldwide with about 5 000 000 T/year (source FAO). Far behind, Serbia counts about 700 000 T/year and the United States 600 000 T/year. Consumption habits are very different from country to country: while Americans consume an average of 0.2 kg/person/year, French consume an average of 3 kg/person/year.

The sector is faced with various challenges. First of all, climatic hazards have a significant impact on harvests, especially rain. Indeed, during bad weather, plums tend to burst under the effect of water drops. This bursting makes the fruit unmarketable. It is therefore necessary to find solutions to collect the fruit before bad weather to save harvests.

Customers also want to enjoy plums during a more spread-out season. They want to eat plums in September, when summer fruits like peaches and nectarines are no longer available on the shelves. A goal for growers is to be able to store some of their production to sell later, when the harvest is over but consumers still want to eat plums.

However, quality remains a central issue in the plum industry. Consumers want fruit that looks good and tastes good. Producers must therefore respond to this demand and offer top quality fruit.

Challenges facing the plum industry are varied. However, we can easily guess that having a fruit preservation equipment is an important asset in this sector. JANNY MT company meets the needs of producers who wish to store part of their harvest while maintaining optimal fruit quality.


Offering customers 1st choice products

Maintaining quality throughout storage

Customers want to eat fruit that looks and tastes great. However, over time, plums tend to lose their firmness. JANNY MT modules allow you to preserve fruit, retaining its firmness and color throughout storage. The attractive appearance and sweet taste are thus preserved. Even the most demanding customers will be satisfied.

Avoiding weight loss

During storage, fruits tend to lose a significant amount of water: it can go up to 10% of the total weight of the fruit. The use of JANNY MT modules allows to limit this water loss to 1%. A quick calculation is easy to measure the financial gain of this water loss limitation: for plums sold at a wholesale price of 1.5€, the only fact of limiting dehydration allows to gain up to 0.15cts/kg of fruit sold.

Maintaining the quality of products throughout their storage is an obligation for producers if they want to satisfy customers. JANNY MT modules allow them to offer first choice products.


Harvesting plums before bad weather and securing the harvest 

One of the main problems encountered by plum producers is deterioration and bursting of the fruit caused by rain. This makes it impossible to sell the plums, resulting in financial losses and a lack of sales the following week. JANNY MT modules make this problem possible to overcome: by harvesting the fruit before the rain and storing it in modules, producers can extend the period of availability of different varieties and maintain their offer, despite poor weather conditions.

Storing part of the harvest before the rain allows producers to secure part of their production and thus to look forward to the future with more confidence. The use of JANNY MT modules becomes an essential insurance against random weather conditions to maximize the value of plum harvest and avoid losses. 


Shifting part of the sales and extending the plum season

Consumers increasingly want to eat plums in September, when summer fruit season ends. This makes it necessary for growers to find ways to store part of their crop and sell it at the end of the season. Moreover, in September, the demand is even stronger with the resumption of school canteens and communities. Usually, plums can be stored for 18 days in a traditional cold store. JANNY MT modules allow an extension of shelf life 20 to 50 days and thus to shift part of the sales to the beginning of September, depending on varieties.

Keeping a part of tonnage to valorize it later is an opportunity to seize for producers who wish to shift a part of their sales towards the end of the season and thus offer a complete satisfaction to consumers.

Supporting producers to optimize sales

Faced with the challenges of the plum industry, JANNY MT modules are a strategic tool that allows producers to offer top quality products during a period better adapted to their demand. Faced with climatic hazards, modules offer insurance and security of production with a harvest before rain. The establishment of new post-harvest strategies is key to success for the plum industry.


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