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Nov 04 2021


9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Teagasc Nursery Stock Seminar

Event Time 9:30am – 1pm
Venue Ashtown Research Centre, Dublin and Zoom

Nursery Stock Seminar, hosted by the Teagasc Horticulture Development Department.

Teagasc are very happy to be able to welcome back growers for the first in person event in some time. The last eighteen months have been a challenging time for many reasons but it has also seen strong market demand for our products.

Register to view on line | Register to attend in person 


The event will begin with a growing media focused session chaired by Dermot Callaghan, Head of Teagasc Horticulture Development Department with contributions from Dr. Bart Vandecasteele,  Kevin Mahon and Dr Michael Gaffney and another speaker to be confirmed. Dr Vandercasteele is a highly regarded and influential researcher. He has recently chaired a globally important conference Growing Media 2021.

A second session will follow looking at technical updates from Andy Burke, Conor McGee both from the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM) and Dr Andreas Wrede. Dr Andreas Wrede is Head of Horticulture Testing, Chamber of Agriculture Schleswig Holstein and will deliver the results of a wide range of recently completed research. He will discuss growing media, crop nutrition and climate change issues being addressed by the research centre. Dr. Wrede will join online from Germany and will not be physically present on the day.

This will be a hybrid event. The event will be in person and shared as a webinar through Zoom. The event will comply with current Covid guidelines see COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland (

The event will attract IASIS points for continuous professional development. Anyone wishing to receive points should register through the online link on the day or in person.

Register to view on line | Register to attend in person 


Session 1 Growing media – Chair, Dermot Callaghan

  • Sustainable growing media research and trends from Europe
    Dr. Bart Vandercasteele, ILVO Belgium  (via Zoom)
  • Professional growing media and what lies ahead for the nursery industry
    Kevin Mahon, Klassman Dielmann.
  • The research challenge of replacing peat in growth media
    Dr. Michael Gaffney, Teagasc.
  • Q & A session

Session 2 Technical updates – Chair, Dónall Flanagan

  • Horizon scanning by Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM)
    New Pest risk Analysis team – Andy Bourke and Conor McGee
  • Technical updates for the nursery stock and woody plant industries
    Dr. Andreas Wrede, Head of Horticulture testing, Chamber of Agriculture Schleswig Holstein – Leading German research agency. He will discuss growing media, crop nutrition, pest, disease and weed control as well as climate change issues being addressed by the research centre. (Prerecorded)
  • Discussion and close  

The event is finished.