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National Landscape Forum 2023

A gathering of landscape enthusiasts at the National Landscape Forum 2023, where we’ll discuss, share & learn about our landscapes.

Date and time: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 18:30 – Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:00 IST
Location: Mount Congreve Gardens, Kilmeaden X91 PX05

The forum will provide an overview of the evolution of landscape management, thinking, action and success/failure over the past 60 years, – which accurately reflects the European Landscape Convention 2000. In addition, the forum will highlight current landscape-related issues from ‘Urban Centre to Ocean Horizon’ together with local landscape-linked initiatives.

The prime objective is to structure, energise and inform an effective sustainable strategy/action plan for Ireland’s future landscape. The Forum will be a mix of presentations, discussions, and optional field trips. All are very welcome. Our speakers range from community leaders to artists, to academics and everyone in between!

The event is finished.