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Floriculture as a Sector of Italian Excellence, at the top of European and World...

The 73rd edition of Flormart Green Italy thus becomes a privileged international observatory on the floriculture, green, and landscape sectors, where all the main...

A New Leaf for Perenia

The plant experts in Cahir, Co Tipperary, are proud to launch their new brand ‘Perenia’. For over 50 years, this family run business based...

Ireland Joins European Initiative to Safeguard Plant Health, Biodiversity, and Economy

Ireland has joined a European-wide effort to underscore the importance of plant health. The #PlantHealth4Life campaign is led by the European Food Safety Authority...

Horticultural Trades Association Monthly Market Update

The Horticultural Trade Association (HTA) released its April 2024 Market Update, showing that despite another wet and rainy month in March, garden centre sales...

Thousands of citizen scientists find hundreds of wildflowers blooming at New Year

The results are in for BSBI’s thirteenth New Year Plant Hunt, when plant-lovers across Britain and Ireland head out to see what is flowering...

No Mow May gives life to rare orchid

A rare orchid has appeared on the Trinity College Dublin campus as an unexpected outcome of its decision to allow wildflowers bloom in the...

Deadline extended for the AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards 2024

The deadline has been extended for the prestigious AIPH International Grower of the Year (IGOTY) Awards 2024. Ornamentals producers worldwide now have until Monday...

Teagasc Mechanical Weed Control Demonstration

Teagasc Horticulture Development Department in partnership with the Irish Farmers Journal and Teagasc Crop Science invite you to a MECHANICAL WEED CONTROL DEMONSTRATION IN...

Bord Bia Bloom – Floral & Botanical Art Winners 2023

Floral Art Gold Nicola Lynch Morrin, Narraghmore, Kildare – “Every fragile beauty” Silver Gilt Anne McLeod, Coolree, Wexford – “Apple blossom” Silver Nicola Lynch Morrin, Narraghmore, Kildare – “A...

Plant Protection Product & Pest Updates

DAFM Pesticide Registration and Control division recently published updated lists of off-label products for the edible and non-edible sectors. Full list of PPP where use...